Chapter 598 The Arrogant Demon

"Walk slowly."

Jiang Li and the others didn't want to stay, after all, they were not very familiar with Lin Shuyi.

But just when Lin Shuyi was about to leave, the demon rushed over angrily.

Jiang Li and the others frowned slightly, being on guard.

The demon who came was named Wu Jiangzhen, a martial artist at the tenth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm, and his strength was unrivaled. Even if the four of them teamed up, they would not be a match.

"Wu Jiangzhen, what are you doing here?" Jiang Li asked coldly.


Wu Jiangzhen snorted coldly, his ugly face changed ferociously, and said sharply, "Jiang Li, where are my people?"

"Are you sick?"

Hu Sanjiang said first: "What does it have to do with us whether your people are dead or not? If you want to know, go to Yuankong Ancient Realm to check!"

"Brother Hu is right, you will know if you go in and have a look." Jiang Li smiled contemptuously.

Humans and demons are in a hostile relationship, even if Wu Jiangzhen begged them, they would not tell.

What's more, Wu Jiangzhen also put on a look of provoking his teacher to inquire about his crimes, and they will not get used to his faults.

"So you're not going to tell the truth?"

Wu Jiangzhen's face gradually darkened.

If it was an ordinary devil, he would not care at all.

But Dong Junren is different. Dong Junren's identity is too special. He is the heir of a strong man in the magical realm among the demons, and he is deeply loved by the strong man in the divine realm.

If he doesn't find out the reason, even he will be punished when he goes back.

"I won't tell you, what can you do to me?"

Regardless of his age, Hu Sanjiang has a bad temper, and got angry on the spot.

Jiang Li noticed something was wrong, and quietly gave Su Yi a wink.

Su Yi understood, and quickly retreated with Cao Qinglang and others.

Wu Jiangzhen was obviously on the verge of fury, and if he didn't do it, he would strike.

And the fighting between the Illusory Spirit Realm is extremely destructive, even if it is affected by a little bit, it may lose one's life.

"Su Yi, are you going to fight?"

After exiting the far distance, Cao Qinglang asked worriedly.

"Looking at this posture, I'm afraid it can't be good."

Su Yi's expression was a little dignified, but when he thought that Jin Hongxuan was here, any worries in his heart disappeared.

Jin Hongxuan is a martial artist at the tenth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm, known as the No.

As long as Jin Hongxuan is around, Wu Jiangzhen will never be able to make waves.

"If you don't tell me, you don't want to leave alive today!" Wu Jiangzhen grinned.

Although he faced the four Illusory Spiritual Realm warriors, he was not afraid at all, and there was even a trace of contempt in his expression.

The reason is also very simple, Gu Chun, the strongest among Jiang Li's four, is only at the fifth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm.

In front of him, a martial artist at the tenth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm, he was like an ant.

Jiang Li and the others felt a chill in their hearts.

They didn't expect Wu Jiangzhen to be so arrogant, and it seemed that he really wanted to do something.

Gu Chun glared at Wu Jiangzhen, and snorted coldly: "Wu Jiangzhen, if you dare to fight, you are not afraid of causing a big fight between the two sides?"

In recent years, although humans and demons have been at odds, they are always small.

Including the devil's invasion of Xigan County, it can only be regarded as a small-scale conflict.

And once a warrior from the Illusory Spiritual Realm falls, a war between the two sides is absolutely inevitable.

This is something neither Shuangfa wants to see.

After all, if there is a big battle together, there will definitely be countless casualties and blood flowing like rivers.

Neither side can afford it.

(End of this chapter)

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