Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 600 The Might of the Sword Master

Chapter 600 The Might of the Sword Master
After the words fell, an old figure walked slowly.

It was none other than Sword Master Jin Hongxuan.

At this moment, there was a layer of sharp sword intent rippling all over his body, like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed, showing its sharpness.

"Jin Hongxuan!"

Gu Chun and the others were pleasantly surprised.

Jin Hongxuan is a tenth-level warrior of the Illusory Spirit Realm, known as the No.

With him around, does Wu Jiangzhen still dare to be arrogant?

"Jin Hongxuan, do you want to intervene?"

Wu Jiangzhen was about to look at Jin Hongxuan, his expression changed slightly.

The shadow of the tree of names.

Although he is also a martial artist of the tenth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm, he also has self-knowledge. If he fights alone, he is definitely not Jin Hongxuan's opponent.


Jin Hongxuan glanced at Wu Jiangzhen, and gave a cold snort unceremoniously.

The sound was like thunder, shaking the sky!
"So domineering!"

Su Yi's expression was shocked.

I thought to myself that this is the attitude that a strong man should have.

I don't want to talk to you, just one word, get out!

It seemed that in Jin Hongxuan's eyes, Wu Jiangzhen was like an ant.

Show the strong side to the fullest.

Su Yi was deeply infected, his eyes were sharp, and his hands clenched tightly.

"Jin Hongxuan, don't be too presumptuous! Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Wu Jiangzhen's face was extremely ugly, and he roared angrily.

It seemed that he was dissatisfied, but from the dodging eyes, it was not difficult to see the guilty conscience.

"You ungrateful animal!"

Jin Hongxuan snorted lightly, and pointed towards the air casually.

With a click, above the clouds of the nine heavens, a ten-foot golden giant sword tore through the sky, and slashed towards Wu Jiangzhen in the air.

Immediately, a strong and extremely strong sword intent swept across.

Everyone present felt an inexplicable chill.

Even if they were not cut by the golden long sword, it still made them feel like they were about to be destroyed.

"Is this the power of the Juggernaut?"

Su Yi took a deep breath, his eyes glowing.


On the other side, Wu Jiangzhen was enveloped by the sword intent, his face was pale, and there was a layer of deep panic in his eyes.

However, he would not sit still, gritted his teeth, and controlled the thunder hammer to smash towards the golden giant sword.

There was a thunderstorm.

However, the thunder hammer was blown away by a single blow, and dense cracks appeared on the hammer body.

After flying for a certain distance, it disappeared into the void and disappeared without a trace.


At the same time, Wu Jiangzhen let out a scream, opened his mouth to spit out a spray of blood, fled to the aircraft as if flying, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye while driving the aircraft.

With Jin Hongxuan's strength, Wu Jiangzhen could have been killed easily.

But he didn't do it.

Stretch your whole body.

Once Wu Jiangzhen is killed, the two shots will inevitably lead to a big battle.

At that time, it will be a disaster.

This is what he does not want to see.

"So strong!"

Su Yi looked at Jin Hongxuan, feeling agitated in his heart.

The same is a tenth-level Illusory Spiritual Realm fighter, but Jin Hongxuan was able to seriously injure Wu Jiangzhen with a single sword with a crushing advantage.

What is a strong man, this is the real strong man.

After Wu Jiangzhen fled, Jiang Li and the others put away their figurative objects one after another and came to Jin Hongxuan.

Several people exchanged a few pleasantries with each other, and then separated.

"Su Yi, let's go back."

Jiang Li greeted and walked towards the aircraft.

Su Yi regained his composure, and followed quickly with Cao Qinglang and the others.

When everyone got on the aircraft, Huang Yi controlled the aircraft and flew towards Venus City.

On the way, Jiang Li asked Su Yi, "Su Yi, why should Gu Chun and the others thank you?"

He still couldn't figure this out, and he was curious.

(End of this chapter)

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