Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 602 Su Yi is not a 3 spiritual root

Chapter 602 Su Yi is not the root of three spirits

Jiang Li regained his composure, and quickly asked, "Su Yi, when did you condense your soul?"

Before that, he always thought that Su Yi only condensed Lei Po, but never thought that Su Yi also condensed Huo Po, which really brought him too many surprises.

Su Yi smiled and said: "It has been condensed for a long time, but I have never had a chance to use it."

"You kid is really low-key." Jiang Li joked with a smile.

Knowing that Su Yi really condensed the soul of fire, his smile became brighter and brighter.

Jin Hongxuan was in a daze, turned to Su Yi, and praised: "Su Yi, you have a talent of more than 20 stars, and you have three spiritual roots, you are really a talent from heaven."

In Blue Star, there are only a handful of warriors with three spiritual roots.

With a talent of more than 20 stars, Su Yi is probably the only one in the world.

But Su Yi has both, he is definitely the darling of heaven.

Even he is envious.

"Senior, I'm overwhelmed." Su Yi smiled lightly.

He has not only three spiritual roots, but full spiritual roots, and all of them are of the highest quality.

Of course, there is no need to say it.

Jiang Li couldn't hold it back, he chuckled, "Brother Jin, you don't know, Su Yi is not the root of the three spirits."


Jin Hongxuan and Zhang Canyang were a little confused.

Didn't Su Yi condense Lei Po and Huo Po? This means that he has Fire Spirit Root and Thunder Spirit Root, plus Time Spirit Root, isn't it the Three Spirit Roots?

So what does Jiang Li mean by this?
Jiang Li cleared his throat, and said calmly, "Because Su Yi has the best full spiritual root!"

He was a little proud when he said this.

After all, Su Yi is the son-in-law of the Jiang family, so it can be said that he is his own.


Jin Hongxuan and Zhang Canyang were stunned, and the expressions on their faces were a little stiff.

The best full spirit root?
Is there really such a monster in the world?

Jin Hongxuan recovered a bit of sobriety, and asked, "Brother Jiang, are you serious?"

"It's true, everyone in our Jiang family knows it." Jiang Li said with a smile.

He could understand Jin Hongxuan's mood at the moment.

At that time, when he heard the news, he was also stunned for a long time.


Jin Hongxuan nodded, but his heart could not be calm for a long time.

Jiang Li changed the topic, and asked Su Yi instead: "Su Yi, what happened when you entered Yuankong Ancient Realm this time?"

Su Yi briefly described it.

From meeting Wukong until leaving Yuankong Ancient Realm.

Of course, there are many things that have been concealed.

For example, kill the demon Dong Junren and subdue the time and dirt beasts.

Jiang Li and Jin Hongxuan were terrified when they heard that, they didn't expect that Su Yi and others encountered so many crises in Yuankong Ancient Realm.

Especially in Qingtan Mountain, it can be said that danger is everywhere.

However, fortunately, Su Yi and others saved the day and gained a lot.

Jiang Li seemed to have thought of something, and his expression suddenly became a little excited, "Su Yi, you just said that you harvested a Shouxi fruit tree? How many fruits did it bear?"

"There is only one, but it has been exchanged with Yuan Siying." Su Yi replied.

Some time spiritual liquid can be sent out, but there are only two Shouxi fruits left, and they need to be reserved for refining Shouyuan Pill, so there is no explicit explanation.


Jiang Li frowned, and asked, "What did you trade with her?"

The fruit of Shouxi is too important to the Jiang family. If possible, he hopes that Su Yi can get it back.

"It was exchanged for a chariot of the machine clan." Su Yi said straightly.


Jiang Li sighed, looking a little lonely.

In terms of value, the chariots of the machine clan are even higher than the fruits of Shouxi.

It is understandable that Su Yi can make this deal.

(End of this chapter)

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