Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 606 The Efficacy of Time Spirit Liquid

Chapter 606 The Efficacy of Time Spirit Liquid

At this time, the time spirit beast was gnawing on a big watermelon, and did not hear what Su Yi was saying at all.

Su Yi took a look, and then moved his gaze to Nannan.

But she saw that her daughter was still in a deep sleep.

"Why did you fall asleep for no reason?"

Su Yi became puzzled, and planned to ask others when he had a chance.

After all, it's not a problem for Nannan to sleep like this all the time.

"Little Dirty, do you need time elixir?"

Su Yi collected his thoughts and turned to ask the Time Dirt Beast.


The time dirt beast gnawed on the big watermelon and said vaguely.


Su Yi didn't understand.

At that time, the time dirt beast was drilled out of the time liquid.

Isn't it the promotion of the level by the time spiritual liquid?
"Then how do you get promoted?" Su Yi asked.


The Time Dirt Beast bit off a piece of watermelon, gulped it down, pointed to her daughter and said, "I can advance to a higher level as long as I sleep, just like her."

"You can advance to the next level by sleeping?"

Su Yi was quite surprised, and immediately asked: "You mean, is your daughter promoted?"

"It should be, I feel her breath is getting stronger."

The Time Dirt Beast said uncertainly.

Su Yimuran thought that the girl fell into a deep sleep after devouring the power of time.

Could it be that he advanced by devouring?

"hope so."

Su Yi murmured.

Although Nannan is a human-faced dragon, since he met her, he has treated her as his younger sister, so naturally he doesn't want her to have any problems.

"Little dirty, you can stay here in peace these few days, don't fight." Su Yi warned.

"Don't worry, I won't bully them."

The time dirt beast agreed, it seems that as long as there is fruit to eat, other things are not a problem.


Su Yi nodded and closed [Langya Ring].

Later, he took out the Red Star Destiny Lamp to study it.

The Red Star Destiny Lamp is a magic weapon of time, very powerful.

He has now condensed the soul of time, if he can grasp the Red Star Destiny Lamp, his strength will definitely increase again.

However, the method of use is not recorded on the Red Star Destiny Lamp.

After studying for a while, I didn't figure it out, so I simply put it aside.

Then, he opened [Linlang Ring] again, and took out the time liquid.

The time spirit liquid has the ability to accelerate the growth cycle of plants, but it is not clear to what extent it can be accelerated, so I want to verify it.

There are dozens of spiritual materials, food crops and fruits planted in [Lin Lang Jie].

Su Yi glanced at it, and finally set his sights on the exploding fruit tree.

The growth cycle of fruits such as giant watermelons is half a day, so there is no comparison.

The growth cycle of other spiritual materials is too long, and I'm afraid there will be no immediate effect.

As for the food crops, they are of no value, and it would be too wasteful to drip the time liquid.

On the contrary, the growth cycle of the explosive fruit is half a month, which is the most suitable for verification.

Su Yi poured a drop of time liquid on the explosive fruit tree, and then began to observe the growth of the explosive fruit.

It was soon discovered that the growth rate of the explosive fruit was significantly accelerated.

Su Yi estimated that according to this growth rate, the fruit might mature in less than a day.


Su Yi couldn't hide his joy, and was very satisfied with the acceleration ability of the time elixir.

One drop of time spirit fluid is equivalent to speeding up by fifteen times, if two drops, maybe it will mature immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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