Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 613 The Wild Tower Is About to Open

Chapter 613 The Wild Tower Is About to Open
When Su Yi returned to the courtyard, Cao Qinglang and others were still fighting the landlord.

and divided into two groups.

Cao Qinglang formed a group of three, Wu Kong and Huo Tian formed a group.

"Su Yi, what did the ancestor ask you for?"

Jiang Piaoxue walked up to Su Yi and asked.

"It's nothing, just tell the spiritual materials, saying that all the spiritual materials were handed over to Grandpa Fifth." Su Yi said casually.

The corner of Jiang Piaoxue's mouth twitched, and her eyes showed doubts.

Just for this at night?

Is it a little exciting?

Su Yi smiled and walked towards the [Smart Chariot] without further explanation.

At this time, the [Smart Chariot] didn't know what he was talking about, just like a neuropathy.

"No. 2, how's it going? Have you influenced her?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

[Smart Chariot] After being silent for a while, he said angrily: "Su Yi, we are in contact with each other, why are you joining in the fun? You also have a wife, if others disturb your love, you will act How do you feel?"

Su Yi: "."

I just care about it, you really don't know what's good and what's wrong!
"excuse me."

Su Yi held back his anger, and turned to chat with Jiang Piaoxue.

At night, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Su Yi was lying on the wooden bed and looking at his phone when Li Zhenfeng suddenly called.

"Principal, remember to call me? It's not easy!" Su Yi joked.

In the past, seeing Li Zhenfeng's phone call gave me a headache.

But after a long time, I miss Li Zhenfeng a little bit.

On the other end of the phone, Li Zhenfeng was at a loss for a while, and tentatively said: "You don't have a brain problem, do you?"

In the past, Su Yi wouldn't talk to him like this, but today it's so strange, he can't help but make him a little suspicious.

"Very good."

Su Yi smiled and said, "Principal, what do you want from me?"

"Is the matter over there settled? When will you come back?" Li Zhenfeng said.

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "Let's wait a few days, I still have something to do."

The reason why he stayed at Jiang's house was to refine pills, because he had no experience in refining pills.

And Jiang Cheng is a great alchemist, if you encounter any problems, you can ask Jiang Cheng for advice.

"How many more days will it take?" Li Zhenfeng asked.

"Not sure." Su Yi replied.

If you can successfully step into alchemy and master the tricks, maybe a day or two will be enough.

On the contrary, it may take more than ten days.

Li Zhenfeng didn't ask what it was, but just reminded: "You'd better hurry up, Tiancang City has already made arrangements, and the wild tower can be opened in five days at most."

"The Wild Tower is about to open?"

Su Yi sat up all of a sudden, regaining his spirits.

There are spiritual materials everywhere in the wild tower, and there is also a mine of spiritual stones. He will definitely not miss the opportunity.

"Why don't you go directly to Tiancang City." Li Zhenfeng suggested.

Venus City is not very far from Tiancang City, so Su Yi can take advantage of this time to deal with things.

"Okay, I can go directly to Tiancang City."

Su Yi agreed, and then asked: "Principal, are you going?"

"How can I rest assured that you go by yourself? Of course I will accompany you." Li Zhenfeng said as a matter of course.

"Hehe. Let's see you then."

Su Yi greeted and hung up the phone.

He knew exactly what Li Zhenfeng was up to, but he was worried that he would monopolize it.

But at that time, all the spiritual material ores collected by him will be put into [Qiankun Ring], and Li Zhenfeng can't count them.

Isn't it how much he said?

(End of this chapter)

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