Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 617 Eight Qi and Blood Pills

Chapter 617 Eight Qi and Blood Pills

With the help of soul power, even if the control of the fire spirit energy is not in place, it will not continue to burn the pill.

Time passed by little by little, and after 10 minutes, a strong medicinal fragrance escaped from the Wujin Panlong Furnace.


Su Yi put away the fire aura, opened the pill furnace and took out the pill to watch.

Generally speaking, a batch of pills can be refined up to ten pills, and he also refined ten pills this time, but two of them were burnt and ruined.

It's the first time refining pills, and it's actually pretty good to have this result.

But there was no trace of joy on Su Yi's face.

Because he knew that if he hadn't released his soul power, this batch of qi and blood pills would have been completely abolished.

The Qi and Blood Pill is an entry-level elixir, and no alchemist would use his soul power to refine the Qi and Blood Pill.

This also shows that Su Yi's first alchemy was a failure.

Even if eight of them are refined, there is no sense of accomplishment.

Su Yi summed up the experience and lessons, and felt that the biggest reason for the failure was the lack of control over the heat.

However, this point is actually easy to solve, as long as you refine it a few times and gain experience.

Thinking of this, he walked out of the alchemy room with eight qi and blood pills.

"Su Yi, I told you a long time ago that refining pills is not something that can be accomplished overnight, and it doesn't matter if you fail, don't be discouraged!" Jiang Cheng laughed.

Seeing that Su Yi walked out of the room so quickly, with a look of despair on his face, he instinctively thought that Su Yi's refinement had failed.

Su Yi didn't say much, and directly spread the eight Qi and Blood Pills in front of Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng: "."

Jiang Piaoxue: "."

What do you mean?
Could it be that Su Yi refined Qi and Blood Pill?Also refined eight at a time?
But isn't it Su Yi's first alchemy?

How could it be so vigorous.

Jiang Cheng stared blankly at the Qi and Blood Pill in front of him, and asked tentatively, "Su Yi, did you refine this?"

"Well, ten of them were originally refined, but two of them were discarded."

Su Yi nodded and said with some regret.

Jiang Cheng and Jiang Piaoxue were shocked on the spot.

Although Qixue Pill is the simplest elixir, it is difficult to refine. Even those veteran alchemists may not be able to refine eight at a time.

Su Yi did it for the first time, shouldn't he be proud?

Why do you sound a little dissatisfied?

Jiang Cheng swallowed, and asked, "Su Yi, didn't you fool us with the previous Qi and Blood Pill?"

Even after seeing the Qi and Blood Pill with his own eyes, he still didn't believe that Su Yi could refine it in one go.

Back then, when he first made alchemy, he failed seven or eight times before he succeeded.

In the successful one, only two were refined.

If Su Yi refined eight of them for the first time, wouldn't he be several times better than him?
Jiang Cheng's greatest pride in this life is to become a great alchemist, if he is compared by Su Yi, he will really feel embarrassed.

"It's indeed freshly refined, and it's still warm. If you don't believe me, try it and you'll know." Su Yi said seriously.


Jiang Cheng subconsciously picked up a Qi and Blood Pill, and immediately felt a sense of warmth.

After refining the pill for many years, he knew very well that it was indeed just refined and could not be faked.

But this is a bit unbelievable, even if Su Yi is extremely talented in alchemy, he can't refine eight at a time, right?
"Su Yi, tell the truth, how did you refine it?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Senior, why do I feel that you don't want me to refine the elixir." Su Yi was a little strange.

From Jiang Cheng's point of view, it's almost like whether you cheated or not.

But how can one cheat in refining pills?
Even if he used his soul power, it was still his own, so it can't be called cheating, right?

(End of this chapter)

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