Chapter 620 I Can

Thinking of this, Su Yi walked out of the room again with the Body Tempering Pill.

"Su Yi, have you refined ten Body Tempering Pills?" Jiang Cheng asked numbly.

Su Yi nodded, "Refining the Body Tempering Pill is actually not difficult, but it took a little longer to refine it for the first time."

This is not bragging, if it is refining Qi and Blood Pill, it will definitely not take 10 minutes.

Jiang Piaoxue couldn't help laughing, but didn't say much.

The corner of Jiang Cheng's mouth twitched.

He now seriously suspects that Su Yi just wants to act aggressive in front of him.

"Su Yi, take a break." Jiang Piaoxue said with concern.

Su Yi has refined four furnaces in a row, and even his iron body can't hold it.

"One last furnace." Su Yi insisted.

The reason why he smelted the last furnace was not because he was tired, but because the fire aura couldn't keep up.

After all, he is only a Fire Spiritualist at the first level of Soul Gathering Realm.

Refining five furnaces of elixir is almost the limit.

"Su Yi, what kind of elixir are you going to refine this time?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Yunling Pill."

Su Yi smiled slightly.


Both Jiang Cheng and Jiang Piaoxue were shocked.

Yunling Pill is not an ordinary pill, and its refining difficulty is several times that of Qixue Pill.

Even Jiangcheng is not fully sure that the refining will be successful.

And Su Yi is just a beginner, so his steps are too big, right?Is it inflated.

Jiang Cheng felt the need to warn, "Su Yi, the Yun Ling Pill is not so easy to refine, you should still."

"Senior, I think I can."

Su Yi didn't wait for Jiang Cheng to finish speaking, and spoke first.

It is difficult to refine Yunling Pill, but doesn't he have soul power?
The big deal is to use soul power, it should be able to handle it.

Moreover, he also had to be a little more confident.

Otherwise, Jiang Cheng might not give him spiritual materials.

Jiang Cheng: "."

You are so humble that you could die!

I know you are an alchemy genius, right?
But you can't brag!

"Su Yi, are you really sure?" Jiang Piaoxue asked tentatively.

"I can't say [-]%, [-]% is still there." Su Yi's face was filled with a confident smile.

"Ha ha."

Jiang Cheng couldn't bear it any longer, and persuaded him, "Su Yi, it's not easy to find the spiritual materials for refining the Yunling Pill. It would be a pity if the refining was useless."

"That's the truth."

Su Yi nodded, and then said: "But don't the spiritual materials all belong to me, even if they are refined and useless, I will bear them myself."

Jiang Cheng Muran thought that the spiritual material was indeed Su Yi.

To be precise, Jiang Hongyi gave it to Su Yi.

But no matter who it is, it can't be wasted.

Jiang Cheng still wanted to persuade, but Jiang Piaoxue interrupted: "Fifth Grandfather, let Su Yi practice."

Although I haven't been in contact with Su Yi for a long time, I still know Su Yi quite well.

Since he met Su Yi, Su Yi has been creating miracles non-stop.

It seems that as long as Su Yi is willing, there is nothing that cannot be done.

And as Su Yi's fiancée, of course she believed in Su Yi and supported Su Yi at this time.

"Okay, I can't say you are a couple, if you want to practice, do it."

Jiang Cheng said angrily, then took out the ingredients of Yunling Pill and handed it to Su Yi.

"Senior, I will not let you down."

Su Yi smiled faintly, turned around and walked into the alchemy room.

"Young people are still too radical."

Jiang Cheng shook his head and sighed.

Although Su Yi's success rate and speed in refining qi and blood pills was unparalleled.

But Qi and Blood Pill is only an entry-level pill after all, and it is incomparable with Yunling Pill.

Therefore, it is certain that Su Yi will never succeed this time.

(End of this chapter)

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