Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 623 Refining Body Building Pill

Chapter 623 Refining Body Building Pill

The ancient dragon in the center of the earth took the spirit pet pill and absolutely obeyed Su Yi's words. Let alone a catty of blood, it would be no different even if it was drained, so he nodded without hesitation.

The time dirt beast was a little shocked, thinking that Su Yi put them in this space, wouldn't it be to extract blood?
It doesn't matter to the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, with such a big body, it's no problem to smoke a heavy one.

But he can't do it anymore, let alone smoking a catty, even if he smokes half a catty, he will burp.

Thinking of this, Time Stain Beast asked weakly: "Su Yi, won't you also draw my blood later?"

Su Yi glanced at the Time and Dirt Beast, and said with a chuckle, "Forget it, how much blood can you have? You might as well roast it and eat it."


The Time Dirt Beast was dumbfounded and begged, "Su Yi, don't eat me. I'm covered in bones and have no meat. You can eat the big eagle, which has a lot of meat!"

Split Sky Eagle: "."

We are both alien beasts, we can't be so immoral!

For the sake of oneself, betraying others is simply a disgrace among alien beasts!

Cracking Sky Eagle would not be able to speak, otherwise he would have cursed the Time Dirt Beast long ago.

"You have a good idea."

Su Yi murmured thoughtfully, then looked at Cracking Sky Eagle.

Sky Cracking Eagle knelt down on the spot, with frightened tears in his eyes.

"I'm joking with you, why do you take it seriously?"

Su Yi joked with a smile, and then said seriously: "You are all my friends, even if you starve to death, you will not eat you, so don't worry."

"Su Yi, don't make such jokes in the future, I have a bad heart."

The time dirt beast gasped as if it was about to be amnesty.

"Okay, you three can play."

After getting the blood essence of the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, Su Yi closed the [Langya Ring].

Later, he took out a few high-grade spirit crystals and began to absorb spiritual energy.

Time flies, more than two hours have passed.

During this period, Su Yi didn't even eat, and devoted himself to absorbing spiritual energy.

After consuming five high-grade spirit crystals, the fire aura was finally replenished.

Moreover, Huo Lingxiu unknowingly promoted to the second level of Gathering Soul Realm.

Su Yi could think that it must be because of the non-stop release of fire aura from refining the elixir before.

This can be regarded as an unexpected harvest.

Huo Lingxiu has been promoted to the second level of Soul Gathering Realm, and the fire aura will be more abundant, and the time for refining the elixir will also increase accordingly.

This is what Su Yi wants to see.

Later, he had a simple lunch, and went to Jiangcheng's residence with Jiang Piaoxue.

"Su Yi, what kind of medicine are you refining this time?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Building body pill." Su Yi smiled.


Jiang Piaoxue was a little confused, it was the first time she had heard the name Zhuti Dan.

"You have the blood essence of an ancient dragon in the center of the earth?" Jiang Cheng frowned.

Two main materials are needed to refine the building body pill blood, the essence of the earth core ancient dragon and the Poria cocos flower.

After spending a lot of effort, he only collected two Poria cocos flowers, but he didn't have a single drop of blood essence from the ancient dragon in the center of the earth.

"A little bit." Su Yi said lightly.

Judging from Jiang Cheng's tone, he probably didn't know that he subdued the ancient dragon in the center of the earth.

That being the case, there is no need to say anything.

Otherwise, Jiang Cheng would definitely ask him for it.

At that time, it is too inhumane to bleed the ancient dragon in the center of the earth again!

"Okay, then you're done."

Jiang Cheng didn't think much, and handed the remaining materials to Su Yi.

The difficulty of refining Zhuti Pill is lower than that of Yunling Pill.

Su Yi can refine five Yunling Pills at a time, and there will be no problem in refining Zhuti Pills.

(End of this chapter)

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