Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 625 Refining Longevity Pill

Chapter 625 Refining Longevity Pill

"is it?"

Su Yi was a little puzzled.

Looking at Jiang Cheng's appearance, it doesn't look like he's lying, but Jiang Hongyi said yesterday that all the materials are ready.

Shouldn't it be almost ready?

How come there are only seven or eight kinds, which is too bad.

Su Yi couldn't figure out which link went wrong.

In fact, how did he know that Jiang Hongyi handed over all the spiritual materials to Jiang Cheng because he collected too few spiritual materials.

On the other hand, it also meant to let Jiang Cheng take the blame.

Su Yi didn't get entangled in this aspect anymore. After all, he had all the auxiliary materials for refining Shouyuan Pill, and he didn't delay refining Shouyuan Pill.

"Fifth Grandpa, I still have to refine the elixir, you guys wait here for a while." Su Yi said with a smile.

"What pill do you want to refine?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"You'll find out later."

Su Yi didn't explain, turned around and entered the alchemy room.

After all, Shouyuan Pill is a high-grade elixir, and he is not fully sure that it can be refined.

If it fails, shame is a trivial matter.

Let Jiangcheng know that he wasted a Shouxi fruit, maybe he will say something.

Just don't tell him for now.

"It's mysterious." Jiang Cheng muttered.

Jiang Piaoxue's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, she pondered for a moment, and said, "Fifth Grandpa, what Su Yi took away just now were the spiritual materials for refining high-grade pills, right?"


Jiang Cheng nodded, not paying much attention.

"Could it be that Su Yi wants to refine high-grade pills?" Jiang Piaoxue guessed.

"how can that be."

Jiang Cheng laughed, "Su Yi didn't gather his soul, how could he refine high-grade pills."


Jiang Piaoxue stopped talking, but in her heart she had a faint feeling that what Su Yi wanted to refine was a high-grade elixir.

In the alchemy room, Su Yi has already started refining.

The first is the process of refining the spiritual liquid. This process is very cumbersome and very important, and a slight mistake will lead to failure.

Su Yi's spirit was highly concentrated, as if he had entered a state of ecstasy, and devoted himself to refining.

Time passed by little by little, and half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Su Yi finally refined all the spiritual materials, and the first step was very successful.

The next step is the process of condensing the spiritual liquid into pills.

Slowly, the spiritual liquid in the alchemy furnace began to divide into ten small pieces, and gradually solidified under the roasting of the flame transformed by the fire spiritual energy.

At the same time, a strong breath of life escaped from it.

There was no joy on Su Yi's face, but he became more cautious.

5 minutes. 10 minutes. An hour passed in a blink of an eye.

The process of congealing pills with spiritual liquid was very boring and difficult. Even with the help of soul power, Su Yi found that he could not refine ten pills at a time.

It's not that there are flaws in the refining process, the key is that his fire spirit cultivation level is too low, which directly leads to the inability of the spiritual liquid to condense pills.

In the end, Su Yi had no choice but to make a choice and gave up five.

"Fifth Grandpa, Su Yi has been in for such a long time, why hasn't he come out?" Jiang Piaoxue was a little anxious.

It has been almost two hours since Su Yi entered the alchemy room, even if it was refining high-grade pills, it would not take such a long time.

"hold on."

Jiang Cheng was also a little strange.

However, he was clear that if Su Yi was really refining the elixir, he must not disturb him at this time.

So I'm going to wait and see.

Time flickered, and another 10 minutes passed.

Just when Jiang Cheng couldn't bear to go to the alchemy room to check the situation, an extremely strong breath of life suddenly escaped from the alchemy room.

(End of this chapter)

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