Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 639 Fatty Hu is in Danger

Chapter 639 Fatty Hu is in Danger
In addition, the exercises needed by Cao Qinglang and Wukong have also been prepared.

The Jiang family gave two mysterious-level exercises, which can be regarded as the best exercises of Blue Star.

There was also a major breakthrough between Su Yi and Jiang Piaoxue. The two held hands the day before and had their first intimate contact, which was of great significance.

Leaving Venus City, [Smart Chariot] drove straight to Tiancang City.

The distance between the two places is thousands of kilometers, and at the speed of [smart chariot], it can be reached in one day.

On the way, Cao Qinglang and Wukong focused on practicing exercises.

Su Yi and Huo Tiancheng chatted, and most of the content they talked about was related to the forbidden area of ​​death.

Because after the trip to Tiancang City is over, the next step is to go to the forbidden area of ​​death to find the holy tree seeds and poria cocos flowers.

"Su Yi, the forbidden area of ​​death is really dangerous, you should think about it again." Huo Tiancheng had a sad face.

The last time he went to the forbidden area of ​​death, it could be said that he narrowly escaped from death, and it left an indelible shadow in his heart so far. He really didn't have the courage to try again.

Of course, he also knows that the initiative is not in his hands.

Now he is working for Su Yi. If Su Yi is determined to go to the forbidden area of ​​death, he has no choice.

"Old Huo, do you know what I'm going to do in the death forbidden area?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Aren't you catching Yaozhi?" Huo Tiancheng replied in a daze.

"Besides that, we also need to look for Poria cocos flowers."

Su Yi explained: "Poria cocos flower is the main material for refining Zhuti Dan. As long as you have Poria cocos flower, you can refine Zhuti Dan in large quantities."

"Body Building Pill!"

Huo Tiancheng's eyes lit up immediately.

Qi and blood level and body quenching level warriors can quickly advance to the level by taking the body building pill, which has been verified by Su Lin and Jiang Piaoxue.

Huo Tiancheng is only a warrior at the first level of the Body Tempering Realm, and his talent star rating is not too high. If he practices step by step, it will be considered good if he can be promoted to the tenth level of the Body Tempering Realm in this lifetime.

And if you take the Body Building Pill, you can advance to the tenth level of the Body Tempering Realm in a short period of time, so you have a lot of time to hit the Soul Gathering Realm.

Thinking of this, Huo Tiancheng's heart became hot, and he vowed: "Su Yi, I know a lot about the forbidden area of ​​death, this time I will definitely go with you."

He thought clearly, if he could help Su Yi search for the Poria cocos flower, and when Su Yi refined Zhuti Pill, he would definitely give him some.

Compared with the promotion of cultivation base, it is worth taking some risks.

Su Lin said strangely: "Old Huo, aren't you unwilling to go to the forbidden area of ​​death?"

"Who said that?"

Huo Tiancheng said seriously: "I'm persuading Su Yi not to go, but if Su Yi insists on going, I will definitely accompany him. After all, Su Yi and I are good friends, and we will not hesitate to go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire for our friends."

The corner of Su Lin's mouth twitched slightly.

Huo Tiancheng obviously changed his mind when he learned that he could refine the Body Building Pill, but he said it so righteously, it's really shameless.

"Okay, then take you."

Su Yi smiled and didn't say much.

He knew exactly what Huo Tiancheng was up to, so there was no need to point it out.

[Smart Chariot] After driving for three hours, he suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, there are human warriors fighting not far ahead."

"Do not care."

Su Yi didn't care.

In Blue Star, it is not uncommon for warriors to learn from each other or fight each other, and there is no need to participate.

[Smart Chariot] continued: "But one of them is that Hu Xiuyuan, and he seems to be in a very bad situation, he is about to be beaten to death."

"Fatty Hu?"

Su Yi frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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