Chapter 642

On the other side, after Hu Xiuyuan persisted for more than 20 seconds, the phantom of the tortoise shell condensed around his body shattered.


Hu Xiuyuan also fell to the ground at this time, panting heavily, his obese body even crushed the ground.

"Fatty, do you think we can't do anything to you if you have a tortoise shell?"

The charming woman glanced at Hu Xiuyuan coldly, with a playful look on the corner of her mouth.

"I am the direct descendant of the Hu family, and my family's patriarch is a strong man in the supernatural realm. If you dare to touch me, the Hu family will definitely crush you!" Hu Xiuyuan growled angrily.

"Ha ha."

The man in white sneered and said, "What is a mere Hu family doing? If you hand over your things, you can spare your dog's life! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."


The corners of Hu Xiuyuan's mouth twitched in anger.

He never imagined that his dignified direct lineage of the Hu family would be reduced to the point of being robbed.

Moreover, the two people on the opposite side were extremely arrogant and didn't care about his identity at all.

This is what pissed him off the most.

"Fatty, if you don't hand over the things, we're really going to do it!" The charming woman threatened.

Hu Xiuyuan hesitated for a moment, and finally took out a blue stone from the storage bag.

This blue stone is called the Spirit Enlightenment Stone. Its main function is to help improve the comprehension ability when practicing exercises and secret arts.

Things like this are rare treasures, so he is definitely not willing to give them.

But the current situation does not allow him to make other choices.

Just when Hu Xiuyuan was about to hand over the Spiritual Enlightenment Stone, a figure in the distance came swiftly.Almost instantly came to the front.

"Su Yi."

When he saw clearly that it was Su Yi, Hu Xiuyuan almost shed tears as if he saw a savior.

"Fatty Hu, are you okay?"

Su Yi glanced at Hu Xiuyuan and asked softly.

"Su Yi, fortunately you came in time, otherwise I would have been killed by them."

Hu Xiuyuan pointed at the two men in white and said angrily.

Su Yi turned his head and looked at the two men in white.

At the same time, the other party was looking at him with interest.

Su Yi withdrew his gaze, turned to Hu Xiuyuan and asked, "Fatty, why did they kill you?"

"They're going to take my stuff."

Hu Xiuyuan took a look at Su Yi with the enlightenment stone, and said, "This is a spiritual enlightenment stone, which is priceless."


Su Yi frowned.

Does anyone in Blue Star dare to blatantly snatch Hu Xiuyuan's things?
Isn't it a little too brazen?
"Heaven has reincarnation!" Su Yi secretly sighed.

Hu Xiuyuan has also done this kind of thing before.

He wondered if Hu Xiuyuan had suffered retribution.

However, he came to help Hu Xiuyuan after all, and it was inconvenient for him to mention this matter, so he turned to the two men in white and asked, "Is what he said true?"

Even if Hu Xiuyuan wanted to stand out, he had to ask why.

If what Hu Xiuyuan said was not the truth, for example, if Hu Xiuyuan robbed the other party's things and instead slandered the other party, then he would definitely not care.

"He's right, we are the ones who want to rob him." The man in white admitted frankly.

"Is it so arrogant?"

Su Yi was a little taken aback.

At first, he thought that even if the other party was robbing something, he would find a reason.

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't care at all, and generously admitted it.

Instead, Su Yi didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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