Chapter 644 Don't Mind
"Wait a minute."

Su Yi said suddenly.

He was very interested in the origins of the two men in white, so he planned to find out the identities of each other.

"What? Are you afraid?"

The charming woman made a provocative sound.

"You think too much."

Su Yi said lightly: "I'm just a little interested in your identities. Of course, you don't need to tell them, but I will still have a way to press you later."

The two beautiful women looked at each other, and they both looked at each other in dismay.

From Su Yi's tone, he didn't pay attention to them at all!
When did the people in Exiled Land become so arrogant?

"Boy, you succeeded in angering me, and you will regret what you said."

The face of the man in white suddenly darkened, and the murderous aura emanating from his body became much stronger.

"It seems that it will not work if you don't do it."

Su Yi sighed and reminded: "Then come on, I will teach you how to speak and behave!"


The man in white opened his eyes wide and could no longer bear it.

The situation on the field is tense, and it is about to start.

Not far away, there was the sound of a base vehicle driving, but after a while, the white figure of the [Smart Chariot] appeared in everyone's sight.

"Su Yi, you haven't taken down these two weaklings yet!"

Coming to the front, [Smart Chariot] said casually.

Before, when Su Yi left, he deliberately slowed down.

Because he knew that Su Yi was here to fight, and he didn't want to participate.

However, when he found out that Su Yi hadn't done anything for a long time, he became a little anxious.

Just come over and see what's going on.

The man in white: "."

The charming woman: "."

It's okay for the people in Exiled Land to be arrogant, even the base car can look down on people?
After all, they are also warriors at the third level of Gathering Soul Realm, so why are they so weak?

Seeing that the other party's expression was not very good, Su Yi smiled apologetically, "You two, my chariot likes to tell the truth, you don't mind."

Hu Xiuyuan was overjoyed, thinking that Su Yi not only had outstanding combat prowess, but also had a good ability to swear.

"Depend on!"

The man in white gritted his teeth angrily.

"Brother, this seems to be the [smart chariot] of the machine clan," the charming woman suddenly reminded.


The eyes of the man in white immediately became hot, and his mind turned accordingly.

Since the mechanical empire was destroyed by the beasts, the mechanical clansmen have almost disappeared.

Unexpectedly, I met a mechanical clansman in Blue Star, and it was a chariot.

[Smart Chariot] is very powerful, even reaching the ultimate form, it can travel through the universe.

At this moment, the man in white came up with the idea of ​​taking the [Smart Chariot] as his own, and said to Su Yi: "Boy, give me this chariot, and I may consider giving you a break."

Su Yi pouted, "Number 2, are you willing to follow him?"

[Smart Chariot] said disdainfully: "Who wants to follow a weakling, this is too cheap!"

Su Yi smiled and said: "You heard it, No. 2 is unwilling to follow you. But you can't blame him, after all, you are indeed an ant in my eyes."

"you wanna die!"

The man in white's expression turned extremely ugly, he roared and rushed towards Su Yi.

Being humiliated one after another is unbearable for any individual.

The man in white is a Lei Lingxiu who is at the third level of Soul Gathering Realm, and he is also a swordsman.

When he rushed to Su Yi, he raised his sword and slashed at Su Yi.

The speed of the sword was extremely fast, and a bright thunder burst out from the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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