Chapter 651 Buried Alive
"Crying for your sister!"

Hu Xiuyuan threw the beautiful woman to Su Yi's feet, and scolded angrily: "Young master, you are so virtuous! Didn't it be fun when you beat me up before? Now I want you to try it too."

Su Yi watched quietly without saying anything to stop him.

The two charming and beautiful women were extremely arrogant before, but now they have fallen into this situation, they can be regarded as their own fault, and they don't deserve any sympathy.

Hu Xiuyuan scolded for a while, and after venting his anger, he turned to Su Yi and asked, "Su Yi, how should we deal with these two guys?"


Su Yi whispered, his eyes fluttered on the beautiful woman, and he said lightly: "Now can you tell me your background?"


The eyes of the charming woman were filled with anger, and she showed no intention of compromising.

"I admire your unyielding spirit!"

Su Yi sighed with emotion, and directly kicked the beautiful woman into the pit.


The charming woman screamed, rolled twice and landed beside the man in white.

"Junior Sister!"

The man in white shouted loudly, extremely anxious.

It's just that he was stepped on by the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, and he didn't know how many bones were broken all over his body, so he couldn't move at all.

At this time, Su Yi opened the [Qiankun Ring], took out two shovels, and gave one to Hu Xiuyuan.

The shovels are used to dig holes in [Linlangjie] to plant spiritual plants. I bought a dozen of them when I was in Yuancheng.

"Su Yi, what are you doing?"

Hu Xiuyuan looked at the shovel in his hand, a little confused.

"Since the two of them don't explain, let's stop talking nonsense and just bury them." Su Yi said naturally.

"Buried alive!"

Hu Xiuyuan clicked his tongue fiercely.

"What's all the fuss about."

Su Yi smiled faintly, "I think back in the day, I peeled the skin of the devil's cramp and put it in the sun for three days, that would be exciting."

"So cruel?"

Hu Xiuyuan felt a chill down his back.

The two men in white suddenly felt their scalps go numb.

None of them expected that Su Yi was such a vicious person!
In fact, how did they know that Su Yi said this just to scare them.

Before, they frightened the puppet tribe in the puppet tower, and it was a good taste.

"Go ahead."

Su Yi greeted, and began to dig and fill the hole, one shovel after another, the dust was flying, and it kept falling on the two men in white.

Hu Xiuyuan swallowed, gritted his teeth, and followed suit.

Although the burial was cruel, he felt no burden at all when he thought about the suffering he had suffered before.

The two men in white were dumbfounded when they saw that their bodies were covered in mud in an instant.

Just bury it!
This is too cruel, right?
Why can't we discuss it?
The pretty woman was frightened, and shouted: "Stop! We are members of Qingyun Sword Sect, you will suffer revenge if you do this!"

"Fatty, have you heard of Qingyun Sword Sect?"

Su Yi stopped what he was doing and asked Hu Xiuyuan.

"I've never heard of it, maybe it's a small sect that isn't popular."

Hu Xiuyuan didn't care, the shovel in his hand kept flying, and a large piece of soil quickly sprinkled on the two men in white.

Seeing Fatty Hu digging harder and harder, Su Yi couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

His original intention was to scare him, but he really didn't intend to bury him.

Fatty Hu obviously didn't understand what he meant.

(End of this chapter)

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