Chapter 654 Three Fat Brothers
"What is the real purpose of your coming here? How dare you lie and bury you alive!" Su Yi asked forcefully.

The other party wants to use an assistant to fool him, thinking he is a three-year-old?

Bai Yuxuan and Tang Xinyu trembled in fright.

There is indeed another purpose in coming here.

But the seniors of the sect warned them not to mention it to outsiders, otherwise they would be severely punished after all.

"I'll give you three seconds to think about it."

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Su Yi snorted coldly, and then started counting down.




"It's time! It seems that you really don't cry until you see the coffin!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, and he greeted Hu Xiuyuan: "Fatty Hu, continue to fill up the soil."

"Good Le!"

Hu Xiuyuan trotted over, picked up the shovel and quickly dug and filled the hole.

"Wait a moment."

Bai Yuxuan was frightened, and begged for mercy loudly, "I'll tell you."

He figured it out, the sect might not know if he said it, and even if he knew, he would be punished, which is better than losing his life.


Hu Xiuyuan spat and taunted ruthlessly, "I thought you were such a tough guy, but I never thought you were a coward!"


The corner of Bai Yuxuan's mouth trembled in anger.

The fat man in front of him is definitely a fucking dog!

Without Su Yi's support, how dare you be so arrogant?
The turtle shells are smashed!
Su Yi winked at Hu Xiuyuan, "Fatty, go to my car and rest for a while, your brother is waiting for you there."

It's okay to be friends with Hu Xiuyuan, but I don't want to be brothers with Hu Xiuyuan.

On the contrary, Cao Qinglang and Hu Xiuyuan are quite compatible, are they both fat?

Su Yi even thought that if Lu Cheng was added, it would be even more perfect, three fat brothers!
"My brother?"

Hu Xiuyuan was surprised, thinking that you are not my brother?Why is there another one in the car?
Su Yi explained: "You also know my classmate Cao Qinglang, and he has always admired you. If you agree, you might as well be a brother of the opposite sex."

"It turns out that I have such a charismatic personality!"

Hu Xiuyuan sighed, and then said: "Since Cao Qinglang is your classmate, I will give you some face."

"Well, go find your brother quickly." Su Yi said with a smile.


Hu Xiuyuan nodded and walked towards the [Smart Chariot].

As soon as he got in the car, he shouted to Cao Qinglang, "Brother, I'm coming!"

Cao Qinglang: "."

We just met a few times in Yuankong Ancient Realm, so there's no need to be so polite, right?
After sending away Fatty Hu, Su Yi turned to look at Bai Yuxuan, "Now we can talk."

Bai Yuxuan sighed, and said slowly: "We are here to choose the address of the sect."


Su Yi frowned.

From Bai Yuxuan's point of view, is Qingyun Sword Sect going to move the sect to Blue Star?
"Be clear." Su Yi snorted softly.

Bai Yuxuan explained, "Thousand Feather Island is currently in a precarious state, and it may not be able to withstand the attacks of fierce beasts and other races. In order to avoid destruction, we can only choose to escape, and the best place is Blue Star."


Su Yi scolded: "You have all entered Blue Star, isn't Blue Star in dire straits?"

The main target of the fierce beast is the humans on Qianyu Island, and once the humans on Qianyu Island escape.

The army of ferocious beasts will point directly at Blue Star. It can be predicted that Blue Star will be a disaster in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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