Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 661 Don't Fight Him

Chapter 661 Don't Fight Him


Zhao Zixuan raised eyebrows, and turned to Bai Yuxuan for confirmation, "Is what he said true?"

"It's sparring."

Bai Yuxuan smiled wryly.

You can't say that you were beaten up by Su Yi in order to grab something, right?

Zhao Zixuan didn't really believe it, but whether it was true or not, she couldn't swallow this tone.

The dignified Qingyun Sword Sect's core disciple was defeated by the young warriors in the Exiled Land. If word got out, Qingyun Sword Sect's reputation would be ruined.

Muran, she turned to Su Yi with a cold look in her eyes, "You must be strong enough to defeat my junior and junior sisters. I, Zhao Zixuan, challenge you!"

Tang Xinya was taken aback, and quickly persuaded, "Senior Sister Zhao, don't be impulsive!"

She had sparred with Zhao Zixuan and had a clear understanding of Zhao Zixuan's strength.

Zhao Zixuan was strong, but Su Yi was even more terrifying.

Zhao Zixuan and Su Yi's rivalry can only bring shame on themselves.

"You think I won't be his opponent?" Zhao Zixuan's face was sullen.

As a super genius of Qingyun Sword Sect, he naturally has his own pride.

How can it be compared to the young warriors in the Exiled Land?

"That was not what I meant."

Tang Xinya's face was full of bitterness.

She wanted to dissuade her, but she really couldn't find a better reason.

"It's not good."

Zhao Zixuan snorted coldly, and swept towards Su Yi again, "Do you dare to accept my challenge?"

"Not interested." Su Yi looked bored.

Zhao Zixuan put on a domineering look, and she took herself too seriously.

She just sparred if she wanted to?There are many problems!

Su Yi will not be used to it.

"Are you scared?" Zhao Zixuan challenged.


Su Yi shook his head and said with a smile: "All kinds of cats and dogs want to challenge me. I don't have so much time to play with you."

"Ha ha."

Huo Tiancheng and the others laughed.

Bai Yuxuan and Tang Xinya looked ugly.

They all knew Zhao Zixuan's temper.

Zhao Zixuan will definitely not stop humiliating Su Yi face to face, this battle is inevitable.

"Are you trying to piss me off?"

Zhao Zixuan's face was as gloomy as water, and flames of anger burst out from her eyes.

"What kind of thing are you! Are you worthy of irritating me? Get out of the way!"

Su Yi was getting angry, he was not polite to Zhao Zixuan at all.

"Very well, you will cry and beg me for mercy later!"

Zhao Zixuan laughed back in anger, and raised the long sword in the air, pointing at Su Yi.

"Old Huo, get ready and record a video for her too."

Su Yi smiled and gave Huo Tiancheng instructions.

Isn't Zhao Zixuan crazy?
Then he will crush Zhao Zixuan and record the process.

It can be used as a threat, and it can also be sent online to make Zhao Zixuan lose face.


Huo Tian understood it deliberately, and quickly took out his mobile phone.

"not good!"

Bai Yuxuan's heart skipped a beat. At this moment, he couldn't care about anything else, so he quickly persuaded him, "Senior Sister Zhao, he is a three-spirit warrior, so don't fight him."

He couldn't just watch Zhao Zixuan follow in their footsteps, so he could only tell the truth.

"Three souls!"

Zhao Zixuan was startled.

A warrior who can condense three souls can be hailed as a super genius even in Xuantian Continent.

How could such a character appear in Exiled Land?

"How is his cultivation?" Zhao Zixuan became cautious.

Bai Yuxuan replied: "Soul cultivation is at the third level of Soul Gathering Realm, while Huo Lingxiu and Lei Lingxiu only have the first level of Soul Gathering Realm. However, he also has an ancient dragon at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm."


Zhao Zixuan took a deep breath, her expression changed again and again.

Soul-spiritual cultivation at the third level of the Soul Gathering Realm is already strong enough, and with the addition of an ancient dragon from the center of the earth at the fourth level of the Soul Gathering Realm, even she may not be an opponent.

However, she had already spoken harshly before.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if you admit it?
(End of this chapter)

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