Chapter 663 You have no choice
"Don't be nervous, I'm just recording a video for you."

With a harmless expression on his face, Su Yi gave a sound of comfort, and then waved to Huo Tiancheng.

If she didn't get some excuses, Zhao Zixuan might take revenge on him as well.

Zhao Zixuan looked bewildered.

record video?What the hell is this?

Bai Yuxuan and Tang Xinya looked at Zhao Zixuan with sympathy, thinking that Zhao Zixuan still failed to escape Su Yi's clutches and stepped into their footsteps.

Huo Tiancheng came to Su Yi's side, took out his mobile phone and pointed it at Zhao Zixuan, "Beauty, smile."

Zhao Zixuan suddenly became furious, "You want to court death?"

Huo Tiancheng was clearly teasing her. If he hadn't been seriously injured, he would have jumped up and beheaded Huo Tiancheng long ago.

"just kidding."

Huo Tiancheng's mouth trembled.

Zhao Zixuan is too powerful, and he is not Su Yi, so of course he cannot be provoked.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Su Yi glared at Huo Tiancheng, then turned to Zhao Zixuan and said, "I'll say something later, you repeat it, and I'll let you go."

"So simple?"

Zhao Zixuan was a little puzzled.

Originally, she thought that Su Yi would make some harsh demands, but she never thought that Su Yi was quite easy to talk to.

Bai Yuxuan and the two smiled bitterly in their hearts, "My senior sister Zhao, you will know how despicable Su Yi's methods are later!"

"It's very simple."

Su Yi smiled slightly, "By the way, what's your name?"

"Zhao Zixuan."

Zhao Zixuan replied subconsciously.

"Listen well, I will repeat it later."

Su Yi reminded, and then said, "I, Zhao Zixuan, also come from Qingyun Sword Sect. Today I took the initiative to challenge Su Yi, but due to my lack of strength, I was defeated by Su Yi. I am convinced of this. I swear here, in the future Absolutely no strike against retaliation."

Zhao Zixuan: "."

And this kind of operation?

If this is recorded and spread on video, how shameless it is?

"Come on, repeat it first, and I will remind you if there is something wrong." Su Yi said cheerfully.

"You are dreaming!"

Zhao Zixuan's angry body trembled.

Su Yi didn't care too much, and turned to Bai Yuxuan and said, "Your senior sister has a bad temper, why don't you persuade her?"

Bai Yuxuan was dumbfounded.

Why did you bring me into the matter between the two of you? I am also a victim, okay?

If this was really persuaded, it would be no wonder that Zhao Zixuan didn't beat him to death afterwards.

"Don't be delusional, no one will agree to persuade me."

Zhao Zixuan snorted coldly, "Kill me if you have the ability!"

"You guys from Qingyun Sword Sect have a lot of backbone! I admire you!"

Su Yi murmured thoughtfully, and glanced at Bai Yuxuan and Tang Xinya naturally.

Before, these two people also looked like they would never give in.

But didn't you compromise in the end?

Under Su Yi's gaze, Bai Yuxuan and Tang Xinya lowered their heads in shame.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you dare to kill me, Qingyun Sword Sect will not let you go!" Zhao Zixuan threatened.

"Who said I was going to kill you?"

Su Yi smiled lightly: "I won't kill you, but I will use other means to torture you, such as slashing your face a few times"

As he spoke, he took the dagger and gestured in front of Zhao Zixuan.

"you dare."

Zhao Zixuan felt a sudden chill, and kept moving backwards.

For a woman, especially a beautiful woman, once she is disfigured, it is more unacceptable than killing her.

"You have no choice now, either do what I say, or I'm going to use the knife." Su Yi sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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