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Chapter 666 An Aircraft Is Catching Up

Chapter 666 An Aircraft Is Catching Up
"Su Yi, your trick of recording videos for them is absolutely amazing! Those three guys are now dumb and suffering from Coptis chinensis." Hu Xiuyuan said with a look of admiration.

Su Yi said angrily, "Isn't it all for you?"

If it wasn't for Hu Xiuyuan, there would be no need to conflict with the other party, and there would be no need to painstakingly record videos as excuses.

However, this time it was rewarding.

Obtained three top-quality spirit crystals, snatched not only a half-moon star beast, but also condensed space soul.

It can also be regarded as an unexpected harvest.

"It's really for me."

Hu Xiuyuan nodded and said, "How else can we say that we are real brothers?"

Su Yi gave Hu Xiuyuan a look of disgust, and then told him: "Fatty, try not to come out in the short term after going back this time."

"Why?" Hu Xiuyuan looked puzzled.

Su Yi explained: "This time we not only injured the three members of Qingyun Sword Sect, but also robbed them of their belongings. Although we have a handle, we can't guarantee that they will jump the wall in a hurry, so it's better to hide."

Because he had the video in his hand, Zhao Zixuan and the others couldn't help him.

But it's hard to guarantee that he won't vent his anger on Hu Xiuyuan.

"It's you who beat people and robbed things, right? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me."

Hu Xiuyuan murmured in his heart, but thinking that Su Yi was also trying to help him, he said, "I'll listen to you. I've been honestly not going out recently."


Su Yi nodded.

But at this moment, [Smart Chariot] anxiously reminded: "Su Yi, it's not good, there is an aircraft chasing us."


Su Yi frowned.

In Blue Star, those who own aircraft are definitely big families or big forces.

What is the origin of the other party?
Why come towards them?

"Who is in the aircraft?" Su Yi asked.

[Smart Chariot] quickly said: "It's the three members of Qingyun Sword Sect, and there is also a warrior from the first level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm."

"Illusory Spirit Realm!"

Everyone in the car was horrified.

They could all think that it must be Zhao Zixuan and the three who found the sect strongman and came to take revenge on them.

Facing an Illusory Spirit Realm expert, even if all of them put together, they would not be an opponent.


Hu Xiuyuan scolded angrily: "The people of Qingyun Sword Sect are too shameless, they have clearly made an oath, and they come to chase and kill us, it is extremely shameless!"

Although Su Yi was also very angry, he didn't show it.

Because anger can only make people lose their minds, it can't solve the problem at all.

At this moment, he tried his best to maintain calm, his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking of a solution.

"Su Yi, what shall we do?"

Cao Qinglang and the others panicked.

Muran, Su Yi seemed to have made up his mind, his face was determined, "Number 2, open the car door and let me get in later. You take people to Tiancang City quickly, don't hesitate."

"Brother, how can you stay alone!" Su Lin immediately objected.

"Su Yi, Blue Star warriors don't have a coward! At worst, let's fight them!"

Hu Xiuyuan and others shouted emotionally.

Su Yi staying alone is tantamount to sending himself to death!

How could they let Su Yi die while they lived?

Su Yi smiled and said: "Don't worry, no one can kill me except martial artists above the level of the gods!"

These words may seem arrogant, but there is no bragging in them.

Because of the [Flying Wings], as long as he flies into the air, the Illusory Spirit Realm cannot fly in the air, so there is nothing he can do about it.

(End of this chapter)

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