Chapter 670 Inhumane

Fang Weize swallowed, and said with difficulty: "You are right."

What can he say?
He could tell that Su Yi was clearly taking the opportunity to manipulate Tang Xinya.

If Su Yi is wrong, he must have offended Su Yi.

Can Su Yi still help in alchemy and deciphering text?

For the sake of the overall situation, I can only follow Su Yi's wishes.


Tang Xinya cried even more sadly.

Originally thought that Fang Weize would help her get ahead, but he never expected that Fang Weize would not care about her feelings at all.

And she was humiliated by Su Yi again, like a clown.

At this moment, she was extremely aggrieved and her heart was broken.

"Thank you senior for upholding justice." Su Yi thanked him.

"No thanks."

Fang Weize looked dull.

At this moment, he had a feeling, how could he, a dignified Illusory Spirit Realm warrior, be led by the nose from beginning to end by a Gathering Soul Realm junior?
What went wrong?

"Senior, let's see you tomorrow in Tiancang City."

Su Yi greeted and planned to leave.

"Su Yi, let me take you to Tiancang City." Fang Weize suggested.

"I just wanted to take a walk, so I won't bother senior." Su Yi refused.

Later, he will go to chase the [Smart Chariot]. If he is riding an aircraft, he will scare the people in the car to death.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

Fang Weize didn't force it, and then took Zhao Zixuan and the others to get on the aircraft and left here.

When the aircraft disappeared from sight, Su Yi let out a heavy breath.

Originally, I thought there would be a life-and-death chase, but I didn't expect it to be such a result.

However, this result is always good.

After a while, Su Yi chased in the direction where the [Smart Chariot] left.

At this moment, the [Smart Chariot] has long since disappeared, but there are clear ruts on the ground, as long as you follow the ruts, you can catch up.

Su Yi directly used [Liuyun Fengying], and the gust of wind suddenly picked up and roared away.

After chasing for 10 minutes in a row, he still failed to catch up.

Su Yi was a little bored.

I thought [Smart Chariot] really had confidence in him, so I just ran away as soon as I said it, and really ignored him.

Qi returns to Qi, chasing still has to be chased.

Originally, he could use [Flying Wings] to quickly catch up, but considering that [Flying Wings] is a life-saving means and cannot be easily exposed, he bit the bullet and continued running.

Another 10 minutes passed after this run, and there was still no sign of the 【Smart Chariot】.

Su Yi could only give up, and walked slowly along the rut, already greeting the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the [Smart Chariot] in his heart.

The detection range of the [Smart Chariot] has reached [-] kilometers. After chasing it for so long, he must have entered the detection range.

This shows that [Smart Chariot] still ignored him when they discovered him.

"Fuck! No. 2 is really inhuman!"

The more Su Yi thought about it, the angrier he became, and he couldn't help but swear.

[Smart Chariot] Indeed, he had discovered Su Yi a long time ago, and the reason why he didn't stop was very simple.

Didn't Su Yi tell him to go directly to Tiancang City.

But later, he slowly realized something was wrong.

That aircraft did not chase Su Yi, which means that Su Yi got rid of the opponent's pursuit, so should he stop and wait for Su Yi?

Thinking of this, [Smart Chariot] struggled for a while, and finally stopped.

"Number 2, why did you stop? Are you out of gas?" Cao Qinglang asked in confusion.

"Lao Tzu is a higher life form and doesn't need gasoline."

[Smart Chariot] snorted angrily, and then explained: "Su Yi has caught up."

(End of this chapter)

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