Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 677 Li Zhenfeng's Order

Chapter 677 Li Zhenfeng's Order
Su Yi explained: "I encountered some troubles on the road before and was delayed for a while. Fortunately, there was no danger and I have arrived at Tiancang City."

If he hadn't met someone from Qingyun Sword Sect and Chen Xiong, he might have entered Tiancang City long ago.

"It's fine."

Li Zhenfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I'm at the No. [-] Ancient Martial Arts Academy in Tiancang City, so hurry up and come find me."


Su Yi said: "Now the city gate is closed, I can't get in."

"You are always delaying things, kid." Li Zhenfeng was a little annoyed.

"Principal, isn't the Wild Tower open tomorrow? I can't delay it, can I?" Su Yi asked puzzled.

Previously, Li Zhenfeng clearly informed that the Wild Tower will be opened on the fifth day, and tomorrow happens to be the fifth day.

Li Zhenfeng whispered: "Tomorrow you will enter the Wild Tower, shouldn't we discuss the countermeasures?"

Su Yi was a little confused.

What is there to discuss, isn't it just to go in and search?Just get all the good stuff?

"Principal, what are you discussing? You can also talk on the phone." Su Yi said lightly.

Li Zhenfeng pondered for a while, and reminded: "Don't let people know that you have a space ring tomorrow, go to the wild tower to find good things, try to put them in your space ring, you should understand what I mean?"

Su Yi was shocked.

Good guy!Li Zhenfeng is telling him to take it all alone!

It was agreed before that the items he looted in the Wild Tower will be distributed equally.

According to Li Zhenfeng's method, Wu Yingjie and Pang Xingyu basically won't get any good things.

Is it really good to do this?
Su Yi thought it was pretty good.

Of course, he wouldn't do it too badly, after all, he would share something with Pang Xingyu and the others.

However, the big head must be kept by oneself.

"Principal, didn't you discuss it before? Isn't your method a little unreasonable?" Su Yi said a little embarrassed.

"Ha ha."

Li Zhenfeng sneered: "Others don't understand you, don't I understand you? Stop pretending to me."

He was sure that even if he didn't remind him, Su Yi would keep the good things for himself.

The reason why he interjected was because of his own considerations.

Because he was afraid that Su Yi would be swallowed up by himself, and in the end he would not even have his share.

Su Yi was helpless.

Since Li Zhenfeng had already seen through him, he stopped pretending and said with a smile, "Principal, don't worry."

"Okay, then let's see you tomorrow."

Li Zhenfeng hung up the phone with a smile.

"Su Yi, the barbecue is ready, hurry up and eat."

At this time, Huo Tiancheng greeted Su Yi.

Su Yi stepped forward, picked up a bunch and took a bite.

Hmm. The taste is very nice!
It is indeed a delicacy on earth.

Su Yi quickly ate a bunch, opened [Qian Kun Ring] and took out a lot of drinks.

How can you eat barbecue without some drinks.

Logically, it would be more appropriate to have some beer, but now that I am outside the city, I must stay awake at all times, so I used drinks instead.

"Number 2, let's have some food, please be careful." Su Yi reminded.


[Smart Chariot] I feel unbalanced.

I dragged people to run for a day, and in the end I had to be responsible for guarding.

Su Yi and the others had food and drink, and they didn't care about his feelings at all. It was really disgusting.

Although angry, he didn't dare to ignore Su Yi's words.

After looking around, I soon found a suspicious human approaching here.

And farther away, another human raced over.

(End of this chapter)

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