Chapter 689
The reason why I say this is not to pretend to be coercive, but to have other plans.

Su Yi is good at playing cards, but he can only deal with Cao Qinglang and others.

Meeting Hu Xiuyuan really might not win.

And if Wukong is allowed to play, he will be 100% sure.

Hu Xiuyuan: "."

Mu Guangping: "."

This is too coercive, right?
Playing cards is not about fighting, it depends on luck and brains, why should Su Yi look down on others?
"Su Yi, are you afraid?" A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Hu Xiuyuan's mouth.

If Su Yi fought hard, he admitted it.

But if it was said that Dou Dizhu was awesome, he didn't believe it at all.

Su Yi said with a serious face: "Well, I will let my apprentice play. If you can beat him, I will play in person."

Sending Wukong to play is tantamount to unilateral crushing, so he doesn't have to play.

"Who is your apprentice?" Mu Guangping was curious.

Su Yi was about to introduce Wukong, but he saw Huo Tiancheng stepping forward, and raised his voice, "Of course it's my card master, Huo Tiancheng! Play with me, and I'll win as many spirit crystals as you have!"

Su Yi: "."

Cao Qinglang: "."

Wukong: "."

What the hell level are you?

If you play, it's not how much you win, but how much you lose!
Su Yi would not let Huo Tiancheng play, so he hurriedly said: "Don't misunderstand, this guy is not good at thinking, so he likes to talk big."

"Su Yi, I have a good brain. If you don't believe me, ask Wukong." Huo Tiancheng argued.

"If you have a good brain, you won't come out to pretend!"

Su Yi felt depressed and hummed softly, "Do you have a spirit crystal?"


Huo Tiancheng suddenly wilted.

Not to mention spirit crystals, he still owes Su Yi 20 blue star coins.

"If you don't, don't join in the fun."

Su Yi snorted, then turned to Hu Xiuyuan and the two of them and said, "I will let my spiritual pet play."


The faces of Hu Xiuyuan and Mu Guangping were not so good.

Sending a monkey on the field, how does this look down on them?

"Although Wukong is a spiritual pet, he is very smart and has obtained 50.00% of my true biography. Don't underestimate him." Su Yi explained with a smile.

Hu Xiuyuan and Mu Guangping looked at each other, and they both looked at each other in dismay.

What Su Yi said was true, but they would not believe it.

However, after all, it is the spirit crystal that wins.

Su Yi was willing to let a monkey play, and they enjoyed it too.

"Okay, then let him play."

Both Hu Xiuyuan and Mu Guangping agreed.

Cao Qinglang was amused in his heart, "Su Yi is really insidious. Let Wukong play, and Fatty Hu won't lose even if he doesn't even have his underpants."

He has a deep understanding of how powerful Wukong is.

Even a master card player like Su Yi has no temper in front of Wukong.

Hu Xiuyuan and the two of them definitely couldn't do it.

"Take it easy, don't be too aggressive."

Su Yi whispered a reminder in Wukong's ear.

If Wukong had crushed Hu Xiuyuan and Hu Xiuyuan as soon as he came up, I am afraid that these two people would give up after playing two games.

In this way, don't even think about winning more spirit crystals.


There was a sly look on the corner of Wukong's mouth.

Later, the Fight the Landlords competition was officially staged.

In the first fight, Wukong was the master, so he lost naturally.

Su Yi kept his promise and delivered the spirit crystal for Wukong.

Hu Xiuyuan and Mu Guangping were overjoyed.

I thought to myself that this monkey's level is too low, isn't this giving them spirit crystals?

(End of this chapter)

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