Chapter 692
"Old Mu, we are going to enter Tiancang City in a while, how about you?" Su Yi walked to Mu Guangping's side and asked.

With a pair of panda eyes on his face, Mu Guangping said weakly, "I plan to go to other places, so I won't be with you."

"Then do you have money?" Su Yi asked.

Mu Guangping was dumbfounded. He lost completely last night, and now he is penniless!

A penny stumps a hero, how can he live without money?You can't be a robber, can you?
Wouldn't it make people laugh out loud if a dignified warrior in the Gathering Soul Realm was reduced to being a robber?

"Su Yi, can you lend me some?" Mu Guangping said shyly.

"It's fate that the two of us can meet together. To say goodbye is to meet outsiders."

Su Yi smiled, then opened the [Qiankun Ring], took out a large pile of spirit crystals and handed them to Mu Guangping, and said indifferently, "Take it and use it."

"Give it all to me?"

Mu Guangping couldn't believe it.

"Of course, if you really can't get along, go to Yuancheng to find me in the future, and I will help you." Su Yi said seriously.

After observing last night, he felt that apart from being a little cautious, Mu Guangping's character was not bad.

So he came up with the idea of ​​keeping Mu Guangping by his side.

In the future, Blue Star will be even more dangerous. If you want to protect a city, you must rely on the combat power of Yuancheng itself.

Mu Guangping is a fourth-level warrior of Soul Gathering Realm, even in Yuan City, he can be ranked among the top ten.

Once you join Yuancheng, you will be able to strengthen the overall strength of Yuancheng.

Giving some spiritual crystals can be regarded as leaving a good impression on Mu Guangping.

When Mu Guangping has no good places to go, he might choose Yuancheng.

"Su Yi, thank you!"

Mu Guangping said gratefully.

Originally, because of the matter of Hongmeng Stone, he still had some grudges against Su Yi.

But Su Yi's ability to help him when he was at the end of his life made him feel good about him, and his perception of Su Yi changed a lot.


Su Yi smiled and said: "I still say that, no matter when, the gate of Yuancheng is always open to you!"


Mu Guangping nodded heavily, exchanged a few words with Su Yi, and left here.

Seeing Mu Guangping's leaving back, Su Yi muttered thoughtfully: "I hope I can trick Yuancheng."

Ever since he learned of the real crisis of Blue Star from Ling Nianyao, he began to search for talents everywhere to reserve combat power for Yuancheng.

However, so far, only one Huo Tiancheng has been found.

Although Huo Tiancheng has potential, his strength is still too weak.

On the contrary, Mu Guangping is quite suitable.

It's a pity that Mu Guangping has no intention of going to Yuancheng for the time being, and can only wait for the opportunity.

"There is a long way to go!" Su Yi sighed quietly.

At this moment, he felt his heart was broken for Yuancheng.

But there is no way.

According to Li Zhenfeng, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Who calls him the future patron saint of Yuancheng?
"Fatty, come here."

Su Yi calmed down and called Hu Xiuyuan to his side.

"what happened?"

Hu Xiuyuan came over with a yawn.

Su Yi didn't say much, and directly returned the spirit crystal he won from Hu Xiuyuan yesterday.

"Su Yi, what do you mean?" Hu Xiuyuan was puzzled.

Su Yi smiled and said, "I made a joke with you last night."

After several contacts, he recognized Fatty Hu and regarded Fatty Hu as a friend.

Since they are friends, how dare they take the Lingjing as their own.

(End of this chapter)

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