Chapter 696
[Smart Chariot] After searching for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Su Yi, this space seems to be a dead place, and nothing has been found."


Su Yi was a little strange.

It is rumored that there are spiritual materials everywhere in the Savage Tower, and there is even a mine of spiritual stones, so why is there no such thing?

Even if there is no spiritual material, those barbarians in Soul Gathering Realm should have it, right?

Things are a little weird now.

Are the rumors false, or did something happen in the Wild Tower?
"Number 2, if you search again, there is really nothing there?" Su Yi was a little unwilling.

"There is still a lot of space here, I can't explore all of it, why don't you go to another place to have a look." [Smart Chariot] suggested.


Su Yi nodded and galloped in one direction.

If there is no gain at all, he himself is not willing to say nothing.If they go out, Wu Yingjie and the others will not believe it, and they will even think that they have been swallowed up by him.

Su Yi flew for more than ten kilometers in a row, and the [Smart Chariot] suddenly said, "Su Yi, 97 kilometers directly in front of you, there is a very magnificent pyramid building."


Su Yi frowned, and the image of the Egyptian pyramids involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Will there be such a building in the wild tower?
"Go and have a look."

Su Yi made up his mind and hurried towards the direction of the pyramid.

Anyway, I can't find any other clues, so I might as well go and see what's going on, maybe I'll gain something.

Half an hour later, a magnificent pyramid building appeared in front of Su Yi, which was hundreds of meters high.

From the appearance point of view, it is almost the same as the Egyptian pyramids.

"Su Yi, that Li Rushuang is also here." [Smart Chariot] reminded.


Su Yi let out a sigh, and glanced forward with fluttering eyes, and sure enough, he saw Li Rushuang's figure at the bottom of the pyramid.

"Why is Li Rushuang here?"

Su Yi was a little strange.

He was able to come here because the investigation function of [Smart Chariot] discovered the existence of the pyramid.

What about Li Rushuang?
Discovered by accident?
Or did you already know?
Su Yi pondered for a while, then walked straight towards Li Rushuang, and when he came close, he greeted with a smile, "Senior Sister Li, what a coincidence."

"Ha ha."

A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Li Rushuang's mouth, "I wanted to find you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door on my own initiative, which saved a lot of effort."

"Senior Sister Li has something to do with me?" Su Yi asked puzzled.

Li Rushuang's face darkened, and her voice suddenly became cold, "Don't pretend to be confused, hand over the Hongmeng Stone, or you will be kicked out of the wild tower immediately!"

"Why are you unreasonable?"

Su Yi said with an innocent face: "Didn't I tell you that I don't have a Hongmeng Stone, and it was Mu Guangping who lied to you."

"You think I'll believe you?"

Li Rushuang sneered and said, "If you want to get rid of the suspicion, you must search me."

In fact, he didn't know whether what Su Yi said was true or not, but the Hongmeng Stone was too important to her, so he could only do something wrong.


Su Yi took a step back vigilantly, "Men and women can't kiss each other, what if you try to plot against me during the body search? You should know that I am a clean-spirited person!"

"I bother!"

Li Rushuang cursed angrily.

Su Yi said such shameless words, who is she?

At this moment, her lungs were about to explode.

(End of this chapter)

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