Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 701 The Stone Gate Opens

Chapter 701 The Stone Gate Opens

Li Rushuang said confidently: "No one can open this stone door except me."

"Then I'll try it."

Su Yi wouldn't believe what Li Rushuang said, it was just a stone gate, how strong would it be to defend?
Li Rushuang didn't stop her, she just stood there and waited quietly.

Su Yi came to the stone gate, raised his hand and punched the stone gate.

There was a muffled sound.

Seeing that Shimen trembled slightly, he quickly regained his composure.

"How? Am I right?"

Li Rushuang had expected it a long time ago, seeing Su Yi returning without success, he couldn't help laughing.

"I'm trying."

Su Yi's expression froze, and he started the [Tiger Tiangang Fist] and Lei Lingqi silently.

The punch just now was only 4000 kilograms in strength.

He didn't believe that with the double increase of [Tiger Tiangang Fist], and the assistance of Lei Lingqi, a stone door could not be smashed.

Suddenly, the sound of a tiger howling resounded.

Su Yi punched Shimen, only to see Shimen tremble violently.

It's just that the movement was a little louder, and the stone gate was still intact.

Seeing this, Su Yi frowned deeply and fell into deep thought.

He had only seen the strength of the stone gate in front of him in Ling Nianyao's Moonlight City.

It is impossible to crush it by ordinary means.

"Boxing secret skills and thunder spirit!"

Li Rushuang looked at Su Yi in shock.

It is true that Su Yi's punch still failed to break the Shimen, but the power displayed cannot be underestimated.

She even thought that if Su Yi had used this punch before, she might be able to defeat him with one blow.

In addition, Su Yi used fire aura and thunder aura one after another, and she was a warrior with two souls, which also shocked her very much.

"When did such an evildoer appear in Blue Star!" Li Rushuang sighed inwardly.

Su Yi is less than 20 years old, but with the combination of two spirits, his own strength value far exceeds the limit strength.

And practice the speed secret technique and boxing secret technique.

So, how did Su Yi do this?
It's incredible.

Su Yi thought for a while, but he didn't think of a way to open the stone gate, so he asked Li Rushuang, "You said that you can open this stone gate, so it must have something to do with this pyramid, right?"

Li Rushuang regained her composure, and said lightly: "You don't need to know anything else, as long as you know that I can open the stone gate."

"That's fine, I agree to the previous transaction."

Su Yi nodded.

Compared to obtaining the treasures in the pyramid, a golden hammer is nothing.

"It's a deal! You are not allowed to go back on your word."

A look of joy flashed across Li Rushuang's face, but she quickly hid it.

Her goal was for the golden hammer, and she was very happy that Su Yi could agree.

But Su Yi's strength is too strong, if her words don't count, she has nothing to do.

Su Yi took out the golden hammer and threw it to Li Rushuang, reminding him, "Hurry up."

The Savage Tower is not open infinitely, but also has a time limit, which is only three hours at most.

If you keep wasting it, you might get nothing.

"it is good."

Li Rushuang got the golden hammer and the ink was gone, she came to the stone gate, bit her finger and squeezed out a drop of blood, which dripped on the stone gate.

The essence and blood fell on the stone gate, and disappeared into it in an instant.

The next moment, only a bang was heard, and the stone door opened slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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