Chapter 717 Check Receipt
"Su Yi, are you serious?"

Li Rushuang asked in disbelief.

How difficult it is to become a great alchemist, even in Xuantian Continent, there are not many great alchemists.

Most of them have never refined Shouyuan Pill, or have no ability to refine it at all.

Su Yi is not yet 20 years old, how can he have time to refine pills, and how can he become an alchemist?

Not to mention refining Shouyuan Pill.

"it is true."

Su Yi nodded, and said confidently: "I haven't been a great alchemist for a long time, but I have successfully refined Shouyuan Pill twice. The Jiang family in Jinxing City and Qixing Island can all testify to me."


Li Rushuang took a deep breath with a shocked expression on her face.

If Su Yi can get to this point, he will definitely not lie.

It is unbelievable that a great alchemist who is less than 20 years old can still refine Shouyuan Pill!

Li Rushuang suddenly became excited, "Su Yi, when will you refine the Shouyuan Pill? As for the reward, it's easy to talk about."

As long as one can get the Shouyuan Pill and solve the problem of the master's lifespan, no matter how high the price is, it is worth it.

"Senior Sister Li, go to Yuancheng and wait for me. I will refine it for you when the time comes." Su Yi smiled.

Li Rushuang slowly realized that Su Yi never mentioned the remuneration, presumably because he really wanted them to move into Yuancheng.

And the purpose is also very clear, that is, to get them to join Yuancheng.

"No problem, we will rush to Yuancheng as soon as possible." Li Rushuang readily agreed.

Anyway, the purpose of coming to Blue Star is to choose a new Zongmen address. In fact, it doesn't matter where you go.

Since Su Yi sincerely invited, he simply agreed.

In fact, this can be regarded as a transaction that is beneficial to both parties, each taking what they need.

"Then let's make a deal!" Su Yi was overjoyed.

Later, the two left the Wild Tower together.

Outside the Wild Tower, Li Zhenfeng and others were waiting anxiously.

When the two of Su Yi walked out, they all went up to meet them.

"Su Yi, how's the harvest?" Wu Yingjie asked with a smile.

"Not a lot, but it's okay." Su Yi handed the storage bag to Wu Yingjie.

Li Rushuang also handed over the storage bag to Wu Yingjie.

It has been discussed before entering the Wild Tower, and the things looted in the Wild Tower must be taken out and shared equally.

They handed over the storage bags to Wu Yingjie, precisely for Wu Yingjie to distribute them.

Wu Yingjie was not too polite, first opened Su Yi's storage bag, and after seeing the contents clearly, a look of excitement appeared on his face.

In the storage bag, there are not only thousands of low-grade and medium-grade spirit crystals, but also a fire blue fruit tree and a cut-off grass.

What really excited him was the fire blue fruit tree.

Because the fire blue fruit tree is a spiritual material that can condense fire-type figurative objects, and he himself is a fire-type spiritual practitioner, so he naturally covets the fire blue fruit tree.

In fact, what he didn't know was that the fire blue fruit tree was not collected by Su Yi in the Wild Pagoda, but from the Yuankong Ancient Realm.

The reason why Su Yi put it in the storage bag was for Wu Yingjie.

Because the harvest in the wild tower is extremely rich, if you don't give Wu Yingjie some good things, it's a bit unreasonable.

Anyway, he still has quite a few fiery blue fruit trees, so giving one is nothing.

As for the cut grass, it was reserved for Pang Xingyu.

The cut-off grass is the spiritual material that condenses the figurative objects of the wood system, which is just suitable for Pang Xingyu.

Last time at the No. [-] Ancient Martial Arts Academy in Yuancheng, Pang Xingyu even made a bet with Li Zhenfeng in order to cut off the grass.

Su Yi could imagine that after Wu Yingjie and Pang Xingyu got the spiritual material, they would be satisfied, so it was an explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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