Chapter 719

Su Lin's complexion became extremely ugly, and she gritted her teeth and hummed softly, "Brother's nature is really hard to change, and he's started messing around again!"

Like Cao Qinglang, she also believed that the relationship between Su Yi and Li Rushuang was unusual.

Otherwise, why would Li Rushuang go to Yuancheng to find Su Yi?

Li Zhenfeng took a look at Su Yi and Li Rushuang, thinking that Su Yi really had two talents, and he could hook up with the beautiful girl of the Xuantian Continent just after meeting him, very much like him back then.

Su Yi naturally didn't know what everyone was thinking. Seeing Li Zhenfeng and the others looking at him strangely, he asked strangely, "What do you see me doing?"

Li Zhenfeng said haha, "It's okay, let's go."

When a group of people walked out of the gate of the academy, they saw a heroic short-haired woman walking towards him, and greeted Su Yi with a smile on her face, "Su Yi!"

This woman is none other than Zhao Zixuan of Qingyun Sword Sect.

"Senior Sister Zhao, why are you alone? Where is Senior Fang?" Su Yi looked puzzled.

Didn't Fang Zewei ask him to refine the Shouyuan Pill and decipher the ancient text?

Then why disappeared?

Zhao Zixuan explained: "There is something wrong with Qianyu Island, Master Fang has already returned."


Su Yi could imagine that Fang Weize was forced to return to Qianyu Island because Qianyu Island was attacked by fierce beasts and alien races, and the situation was extremely dangerous.

Zhao Zixuan continued: "Su Yi, it may take a few days to decipher the ancient text."

Su Yi said indifferently: "No problem, I will return to Yuancheng later, and you can contact me when the time comes."

"Thank you very much!" Zhao Zixuan said happily.


Su Yi smiled, and said instead: "Senior Sister Zhao, let's go first if we don't have anything else to do."

"Okay, see you in Yuancheng." Zhao Zixuan nodded.

Cao Qinglang and Huo Tiancheng were dumbfounded.

Li Rushuang was going to Yuancheng to find Su Yi, and Zhao Zixuan was doing the same.

The key point is that they had conflicts before, and even had a big fight.

Why did the attitude towards Su Yi change so much in less than a day?
What kind of magical power does Su Yi have?

Su Lin snorted angrily.

Su Yi hooked up once and it was not enough, but in the blink of an eye he hooked up with another one, which was too much.

Just as Su Yi and the others were about to leave, two men from years ago walked up to them. One of them was a man with a swollen face like a pig's head. When he saw Su Yi, his eyes burst out with anger, and he It was like meeting an enemy.

"Boy, I finally caught you, let's see where you go this time!"

The man rushed up to Su Yi quickly and yelled at Su Yi.

Everyone felt baffled, and looked at the pig-headed man one after another.

After taking a look, Cao Qinglang opened his mouth slightly and reminded, "Su Yi, isn't this Chen Xiong from yesterday?"

Huo Tiancheng followed suit and said: "It's him, I also know him when he turns into a pig's head."

"Chen Xiong?"

Su Yi took another look at Chen Xiong.

At first, he really didn't recognize it.

After being reminded by Cao Qinglang, it was discovered that it was really Chen Xiong.

Yesterday, Chen Xiong was beaten up violently, his face was indeed swollen like a pig's head.

After recognizing Chen Xiong, Su Yi smiled and said, "Brother mentally handicapped, what can you do with me?"

"You still dare to scold me?"

With a ferocious expression on his face, Chen Xiong growled at Su Yi, "Boy, don't be arrogant, let's see how I deal with you today!"

(End of this chapter)

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