Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 725 It's just a little trick

Chapter 725 Just a little trick
Cao Qinglang realized that what Su Yi meant was as long as Chen Hu was not beaten to death.

He felt that the problem was not too big and he could handle it, so he rushed forward.

I can't bear to look at the scene behind.

It wasn't until Chen Hu succeeded that he became a pig's head, that Su Yi let Huo Tiancheng and the two stop.

Su Yi half squatted in front of Chen Hu, squinted his eyes for a look, and said with deep pain: "It's too miserable, why are you doing this?"

Panting heavily, Chen Hu stared at Su Yi. Due to the swollen kicks, those eyes were almost a line, but they were full of resentment.

"I know you're still not convinced."

Su Yi sighed, and whispered in Chen Hu's ear: "Later, I'll ask someone to piss on your head, I wonder if you're still stubborn with me?"

Chen Hu's heart suddenly collapsed.

Su Yi's methods were too vicious.

He can bear being beaten and scolded, but he can't bear being pissed on top of his head!

What's more, Su Yi can also record videos.

Once spread, it will definitely be reduced to a laughing stock.

Even the Shadow Spirit Sect will be implicated and ridiculed.

"Don't do this!" Chen Hu was about to cry.

"Are you aware of your mistake now?" Su Yi said harshly.


Chen Hu nodded madly.

"Fight with me, you are still too young."

Su Yi snorted softly, got up and returned to the original place, and then shouted at Chen Hu: "Tell everyone loudly, are you convinced? Would you like to pay compensation?"

"I'm really convinced! I'm willing to pay compensation."

Chen Hu said loudly with a look of lovelessness on his face.

"It looks like I'm really convinced!" Everyone sighed.

Looking at Chen Hu's miserable appearance, it was as if he saw a prisoner who had been tortured, and he couldn't help but feel pity.

Li Zhenfeng asked curiously: "Su Yi, what did you tell him just now?"

He could see clearly that even though Chen Hu had been beaten severely, he was still very stubborn.

But after Su Yi said a word, he completely gave up.

So what did Su Yi say?
Will the deterrence be so great?
"It's just a small trick." Su Yi laughed.

This kind of thing cannot be said, there are three female comrades present, and it will also damage the image.

"Old Huo, pull these two gentlemen out." Su Yi ordered.

Huo Tiancheng and Cao Qinglang stepped forward, one by one, and pulled the two brothers Chen Hu out.

"You two can leave after paying the compensation." Su Yi reminded.

Without further ado, Chen Xiong took out a dozen spirit crystals and handed them to Wu Yingjie.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Seeing that Chen Xiong and Chen Xiong were still here, Su Yi's face became a little displeased.

Chen Hu said weakly: "Can you delete the video you recorded? We can pay some compensation."

"If you calm down and don't bother me, I will delete it in a month."

Su Yi said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, as long as you keep yourself safe, I will definitely not spread the word."

The main purpose of recording the video is to leave a handle, and of course it is impossible to delete it immediately.

Although Chen Hu was unwilling, he had no choice but to leave with Chen Xiong in despair.

Afterwards, everyone exchanged a few words and then left.

On the way back to Yuancheng, Su Yi and others did not take the [Smart Chariot], they took the base vehicle of Yuancheng, and the driver was Wang Hongsheng.

The last time I went to Fengyi City to participate in the assessment, the driver was Wang Hongsheng, and both Su Yi and Cao Qinglang knew each other.

As the base vehicle drove away from Tiancang City, Li Zhenfeng couldn't wait to ask Su Yi: "Su Yi, how's the harvest in Wild Tower?"

(End of this chapter)

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