Chapter 729

"Principal, thank you! But I don't need the Qi and Blood Pill anymore." Su Lin said.

She has already been promoted to the second level of the Body Tempering Realm, and it is useless to keep the Qi and Blood Pill.


Li Zhenfeng was stunned for a moment, and immediately thought of something, and said, "Have you already taken the Qi and Blood Pill twice?"

There is a limit to taking Qixuedan, a maximum of two doses.

It is also thought that Su Lin can no longer take it.

Su Lin explained: "Principal, I have been promoted to the second level of Body Tempering Realm, so I don't need Qi and Blood Pill."


Li Zhenfeng was shocked on the spot.

Su Lin's talent is 4 stars. When she left Yuancheng, she was only at level [-] of Qi and Blood Realm. How could she be promoted so quickly in such a short period of time?

Su Yi was able to do this because of his talent for invisible combat, which is understandable.

Su Lin why?
"Really?" Li Zhenfeng had a look of disbelief.


Su Lin nodded heavily.

Cao Qinglang echoed, "Principal, we can all testify that Su Lin has indeed been promoted to the second level of Body Tempering Realm."

Li Zhenfeng clicked his tongue, "How did you do it?"

He wondered if Su Lin had any chance, like taking some kind of genius treasure, which instantly raised her cultivation to the Body Tempering state.

Su Lin didn't hide anything, and said in a straightforward manner: "My brother has refined a kind of elixir called Body Quenching Pill, which can be taken indefinitely without any side effects. And the medicine is very effective. I took ten pills. , promoted to the second level of Body Tempering Realm overnight."

"And this miraculous pill!"

Li Zhenfeng was extremely shocked.

Su Lin can be promoted to several levels in one night, and the Body Tempering Pill is enough to be called a god-level elixir.

Realizing the value of Body Tempering Pill, Li Zhenfeng was excited.

If it is possible to refine a large amount of quenching pills, wouldn't it be possible for all warriors in the Qi and blood realm to be promoted to the quenching realm?

Regardless of whether it is for Yuancheng or for the entire Blue Star human race, it is an absolutely beneficial thing.

The key now is to get the formula of Body Tempering Pill for this trip.

When Li Zhenfeng was about to ask, he suddenly thought of something, looked at Su Lin with a strange expression, and asked, "You just said that the Body Tempering Pill was made by Su Yi?"

Su Lin seems to have said so, but there is no guarantee that she heard it wrong.

Yes, I must have heard wrong!
How could Su Yi refine elixir?
Li Zhenfeng was very determined.

Su Lin said with certainty: "The Tempering Body Pill was indeed made by my brother."

Li Zhenfeng was dumbfounded, and tremblingly said: "Su Yi is also an alchemist?"

This sentence is pure nonsense, it is not how an alchemist can refine a pill.

But now he is really a little confused, and he can't turn his head around.

Cao Qinglang said first: "Su Yi is indeed an alchemist, and he is also a great alchemist."

Li Zhenfeng: "."

Su Yi has started to set foot in the field of alchemy now?

Do you want to be so evil?
And what made him even more unbelievable was that he was still a great alchemist!
Li Zhenfeng was silent for a long time, then turned to look at Su Yi, as if to ask Su Yi for confirmation.

Su Yi smiled slightly, "In fact, I haven't been a great alchemist for a long time."

Li Zhenfeng's mood suddenly became complicated.

Originally, he pointed out his identity as an alchemist just to find some sense of presence and show off.

He had expected that Su Yi would be a great alchemist.


Li Zhenfeng sighed lightly.

He was very sad that he couldn't pretend.

"Principal, why are you sighing? Are you in a bad mood?" Su Yi asked strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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