Chapter 748 Kill All
"So fast!"

The demon leader's pupils shrank suddenly, and the previous contempt disappeared.

He could see clearly that although the young human in front of him was only a fourth-level warrior of the Soul Gathering Realm, his speed was extremely fast, and the colorful light wrapped around his fist exuded a kind of destructive power, giving him caused a strong deterrent.

Just as Su Yi's fist was coming, the demon leader gritted his teeth, released the aura wrapped in the long knife, and raised his hand to strike Su Yi's fist.

However, Su Yi turned a blind eye to it, looked at the edge of his fist, and threw at the long knife without hesitation.

"He's crazy!"

Seeing this scene, the elves and dwarves were stunned.

Only the human fighters at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm want to use the weapons of the hardened steel demon. Isn't this a dead end?

"Kid, die for me!"

Seeing that Su Yi did not dodge or dodge, the demon leader grinned, his eyes filled with bloodlust, as if he foresaw the scene where Su Yi would be split in half.


Su Yi snorted coldly, and hit the long knife with a fist.

When the fists and knives collided, a crackling sound resounded immediately.

The long knife of the demon leader and the earth aura attached to it were instantly shattered by the chaotic air.

But Su Yi's fist went straight to the face of the leader of the demon.


The demon leader was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, he retreated desperately.

However, two black rays of light suddenly pierced into his eyes.

Originally, with his cultivation and will, even if he was attacked by [Death Gaze], the problem would not be a big problem.

But now he was overwhelmed by Su Yi's powerful fighting power, lost his mind, and was immediately dragged into an illusion and fell into a deep struggle.

Su Yi seized the opportunity and punched the devil leader in the face.

A loud bang.

The entire head of the demon leader exploded, and he died on the spot.


Witnessing this scene, there was a sound of gasping all around.

Everyone looked at Su Yi inexplicably in horror, their expressions dull.

The fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm and the sixth level of Soul Gathering Realm fought each other, but they met each other face to face, killing them instantly with a devastating force.

Su Yi's strength is simply shocking!
"As expected of the successor of Senior Su Chen, it's too strong!" The red chariot sighed with emotion.

[Smart Chariot] Although he was also shocked by Su Yi's powerful combat power, he said calmly: "There is nothing to make a fuss about, this is just Su Yi's routine operation."

The rest of the demons were stunned for a while, and then flew back in unison.

The human warriors in front of him can kill even the demons at the sixth level of Soul Gathering Realm in seconds, so what are they going to use against them?
If you don't run away, your life will be lost here.

"Want to run?"

Su Yi smiled contemptuously.

Demons are lackeys of ferocious beasts and enemies of human beings, how can they be allowed to escape?

Seeing Su Yiyang waved his hand, a golden light curtain swept out, covering all the demons in an instant.

The golden brilliance is transformed by the power of time, and the power of time has the ability to strike and sleep in a range.

Don't be too simple when dealing with warriors below the same level.

After those demons were shrouded by the power of time, not only could they not move, they even became dizzy.

Su Yi stepped forward, punched each other, and killed them all!

"too strong!"

The dwarves and elves looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

After killing the demon, Su Yi began to collect the spoils as usual, but unfortunately, he only found a few middle-grade spirit crystals.

As for those weapons, they are all ordinary and completely despised.

(End of this chapter)

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