Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 762 Ants Are Always Ants

Chapter 762 Ants Are Always Ants

Su Yi turned to look at Feng Lihen, and sneered: "Feng Lihen, don't you want to teach me a lesson? I'm standing in front of you, why don't you do anything?"

Feng Lihen's face was pale, his throat twitched, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak.

Originally, they thought that the three people with Leiming Mountain could easily take advantage of Su Yi to avenge their humiliation by Su Yi last time.

I never thought that Su Yi's strength was unexpected.

Not only did he fail to avenge his shame, but he even made an embarrassment in front of Su Yi, as if he had picked up a stone and shot himself in the foot.

I knew why I had to do it today!

At this moment, I am so regretful that my intestines are green.

Su Yi continued to sneer: "Think you can be arrogant in front of me if you find a backer? Ants are always ants! Fighting with me, you are not qualified yet!"

Feng Lihen gritted his teeth with an ugly look on his face.

Although the heart is extremely aggrieved, but can not refute.

Because in front of Su Yi, he was really no different from an ant.If Su Yi wanted to kill him, he could just move his fingers.

"Don't provoke me next time, or I will beat you to death!"

Su Yi's face suddenly darkened, and he raised his hand and slapped Feng Lihen's cheek.

A crisp slap resounded throughout the campus.

Although this slap didn't use much force, it still made Feng Lihen vomit blood, and he was stunned on the spot.

"For Senior Sister Liu's sake, I won't kill you this time, get out!"

Su Yifei kicked Feng Lihen's lower abdomen and kicked him more than ten meters away.

"Aren't you two leaving yet?"

Su Yi then looked at the two people in Thunder Mountain, his eyes were cold.

"Our Leiming Mountain has a strong man in the supernatural realm, are you really not afraid?" A disciple of Leiming Mountain glared at Su Yi.

Although he was overwhelmed by Su Yi's strength, he would still be unwilling to leave in such a desperate manner.

So they moved out the sect's strong men, trying to make Su Yi submit.

"so what?"

Su Yi said disdainfully: "Even if you have a True Spirit Realm in Thunder Mountain, if you provoke me, you will definitely be eradicated!"

Before that, he guessed that Thunder Mountain was a powerful sect.

Because Feng Lihen already knew about his relationship with the Jiang family, yet he still dared to seek trouble, which meant that he had found a strong backer.

This backing is enough to compete with the Jiang family.

To be able to compete with the Jiang family, there must at least be someone who is in the supernatural realm.

At present, he will definitely not be the opponent of the powerhouse in the supernatural realm, but facing the provocation of Lei Mingshan, he has to take a lesson.

The current Blue Star is in turmoil, and there will definitely be more forces pouring in in the future. If you don't show strength, how can you deter Xiaoxiao?

Although he would suffer revenge from Thunder Mountain, he had no choice.

Because as long as you shrink back this time, you may never be able to stand up again.

Of course, he was not unprepared.

As long as Lingjiu Mountain can join, this threat will be easily resolved.

Now I just hope that the people from Vulture Palace can come soon.

"Okay, you have a seed!"

Lei Mingshan and the two stopped talking, and left here quickly with Lu Wei and Feng Lihen.

"Go away."

Su Yi yelled towards the teaching building.

All the students returned to the classroom one after another.

When the surroundings of the teaching building became quiet, Liu Qian'er walked up to Su Yi and said apologetically, "Su Yi, I'm sorry!"

After all, Feng Lihen was her cousin, so she always felt sorry for Su Yi.

Su Yi smiled slightly, "Senior Sister Liu, this matter has nothing to do with you, and you don't have to take it to heart."

Liu Qian'er couldn't stop Feng Lihen at all, but she also called him immediately to report.

It's good to be able to do this, so why would he blame Liu Qian'er.

(End of this chapter)

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