Chapter 776
Su Yi continued: "How is the overall strength of your family?"

Sha Wenxuan puffed up his chest, and said proudly: "Although our Sha family is not a top-level family in Xuantian Continent, it can be regarded as a first-class big family. There is an ancestor in the supernatural realm sitting in the family."

Su Yi made some comparisons and felt that the Sha family should be similar to the Jiang family, so he said, "Your Sha family is indeed very strong with the ancestors in the spiritual realm sitting in the town."

"In the Xuantian Continent, there are many forces stronger than our Sha family, and our Sha family can only be said to be quite satisfactory." Sha Wenxuan said modestly.

Su Yi turned to ask: "Why did you suddenly come from the city? You came here alone?"

"I came to your Blue Star tour alone." Sha Wenxuan responded.

In fact, traveling is only one aspect, the most important thing is to find a suitable place and prepare for the family to move to Blue Star in the future.

Su Yi thought of Du Ming, but he didn't point it out. Instead, he said thoughtfully: "The Blue Star has been in turmoil these days, full of crises. You must be more careful in what you do in the future."

"Definitely." Sha Wenxuan nodded.

The meaning in Su Yi's words is tantamount to waking him up, telling him to act in a low-key manner in the future, and stop being as arrogant as today.

Indeed, relying on the fact that he is a space spirit cultivator at the fifth level of Soul Gathering Realm, and has the support of his family, he doesn't pay attention to the Blue Star Warrior at all.

Today's blatant action in Yuancheng was originally intended to suppress a strong person in Yuancheng, so as to make a name for himself and prepare for the subsequent move-in of the Sha family.

I never thought that when I met a fierce man like Su Yi, I would be crushed directly.

At the same time, it also made him realize that the Blue Star Warrior is not as weak as the rumors say, but rather tough.

In fact, he was completely overwhelmed.

The overall strength of Blue Star is far behind that of Xuantian Continent. If someone as fierce as Su Yi is, I'm afraid there will never be another one in Blue Star.

It can only be said that Sha Wenxuan was unlucky. He met Su Yi just as he wanted to make a name for himself.

"I've been having fun in Yuan City in the past few days, and I want to get in touch with your brother." Su Yi said with a smile.

Although Huo Tiancheng and Sha Wenxuan sworn brothers, under his persecution, they can only be said to be brothers on paper, and their relationship is not strong.

And if they get in touch for a few more days, maybe the relationship between them can go further.


Sha Wenxuan glanced at Huo Tiancheng and said helplessly.

Su Yi nodded, and was about to ask something else when Li Zhenfeng called suddenly.

"Old Huo, chat with your brother, I'll answer the phone."

Su Yi got up and walked to the side, and connected the phone.

"Su Yi, I heard from Feng Zhennan that you captured a space spirit cultivator at level [-] of Soul Gathering Realm, what's the situation now?" Li Zhenfeng asked anxiously.

"Principal, don't worry, he is now Huo Tiancheng's sworn brother, and he can be regarded as a friend." Su Yi said lightly.

Li Zhenfeng was dumbfounded.

Su Yi just met each other in battle, stepped on him and rubbed him, and became friends in a blink of an eye?

"Principal, is there anything else?" Su Yi asked.

Li Zhenfeng came back to his senses, "The address of the Zongmen you asked me to look for has been found. It is an abandoned residential area in Nanwai City. There are two residential buildings in it that are well preserved. You only need to renovate and clean it. gone."

"I see, Headmaster."

Su Yi is quite satisfied with this.

Compared with the inner city, the outer city is more comfortable and suitable for establishing sects.

And there are two residential buildings, which can accommodate many people.

(End of this chapter)

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