Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 779 You Are Too Powerful

Chapter 779 You Are Too Powerful


While fiddling with the alchemy furnace, Su Yi reminded: "When I am refining alchemy, don't disturb me."


Sha Wenxuan was shocked on the spot.

If Su Yi wanted to make alchemy, wouldn't he be an alchemist?

But doesn't it take years of accumulation and learning to become an alchemist?

How old is Su Yi?Absolutely no more than 20 years old, how can I have time to learn how to refine medicine.

Just when Sha Wenxuan fell into confusion, Su Yi had already started refining spiritual materials.

Because he has refined Shouyuan Pill twice, it can be said that he is very familiar with it.

In less than 10 minutes, all the spiritual materials were refined into spiritual liquid, and the pills started to be condensed.

Sha Wenxuan stood aside and watched stupidly. Seeing that Su Yi moved so skillfully, he believed that Su Yi was indeed an alchemist.

But when he saw that the spiritual material refined by Su Yi contained the fruit of Shouxi, he felt a turmoil in his heart.

As far as he knew, the fruit of Shouxi was only suitable for refining one kind of elixir, that is Shouyuan Pill.

Shouyuan Pill is a high-grade elixir, and it is extremely difficult to refine among the high-grade ones.

Since Su Yi is refining Shouyuan Pill, doesn't that mean he is a great alchemist?
A great alchemist who is less than 20 years old?

Realizing this, Sha Wenxuan's breathing suddenly became serious.

Reminiscing that Su Yi is still a powerful warrior, he said in his heart, "My God! What kind of evil is Su Yi?"

On the other side, Su Yi had already entered a state of ecstasy, devoting himself to the process of congealing the pill.

Because of the fact that the spiritual practice of the fire element has been promoted to the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm, the process of congealing the pill is much simpler than before, and it also saves a lot of time.

In less than 10 minutes, an extremely strong breath of life escaped from the car.

Su Yi let out a long breath, opened the Wujin Panlong Furnace, and took out the Shouyuan Pill.

This time, he refined a total of seven, two more than before.

For this result, I am quite satisfied.

"It's really Shouyuan Pill, and there are seven of them!"

Sha Wenxuan was stunned on the spot.

To be able to refine and refine the Shouyuan Pill is already considered a very powerful alchemist.

And refining seven at a time is enough to say that it is unprecedented.

Because in Xuantian Continent, even those famous great alchemists, no one can refine seven at a time.

Suddenly, Sha Wenxuan was shocked by Su Yi.

Su Yi put the Wujin Panlong Furnace into [Qiankun Ring], then put seven longevity pills into a porcelain bottle, and slowly got out of the car.

"Su Yi, how are you doing?"

Fang Weize asked nervously.

"Fortunately not humiliated."

Su Yi smiled, and put the porcelain bottle into Fang Weize's hands.

Fang Weize quickly opened it to check, and when he saw the seven Shouyuan Pills, he shouted in shock, "You refined seven Shouyuan Pills!"

"Good luck."

Su Yi smiled lightly.

Seeing Fang Weize's shocked expression, he felt a little regretful. If he had known earlier, he would have left two.

But now that it has been given away, it is not appropriate to ask for it back.

"Su Yi, you are too powerful! The most famous alchemists in Xuantian Continent are not comparable to you!"

Fang Weize was inexplicably excited, and praised him without hesitation.

"It's just luck, you may not be able to refine seven next time." Su Yi said modestly.

With his ability, the number of pills he will refine in the future will only increase. The reason why he said this is that he can deduct part of it when he refines pills for others in the future. Anyway, no one knows.

(End of this chapter)

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