Chapter 789

Luo Junnan smiled wryly: "Su Yi, it's better to keep a low profile, after all, our strength is really too weak."

"The city lord is right. Once we do something, we will be the losers." The others echoed.

Su Yi had already considered this point, otherwise he wouldn't have said that.

In his opinion, Yuan City is just a small city after all, and those big forces simply look down on them.

The forces that want to occupy the source city are mostly small sects or small families in Xuantian Continent.

Just like the Sha family, there can only be at most one person who is in the supernatural realm.

And behind him, there are three psychic realms backing him up, so he won't have any problem dealing with it.

Furthermore, those who entered the source city in the early stage can only be said to be vanguards, and their strength will not be too strong.

Right now, with Ji Xiaoning, Guan Hua and Fang Weize, three Illusory Spiritual Realm fighters by his side, there is no need to worry.

It is in the consideration of these two points that the previous decision will be made.

Li Zhenfeng thought for a while, then asked Su Yi: "Su Yi, you should have something to rely on, right?"

No one present knew Su Yi better than him. Since Su Yi said so, it must not be aimless.

Su Yi is not here anymore, he smiled lightly, "It's a little dependent."

Hearing this, everyone is in high spirits.

Su Yi then said: "There are three Illusory Spirit Realm warriors by my side who can help me."


The crowd was amazed.

Sighing secretly, is Su Yi's energy so great?Are there three Illusory Spirit Realm warriors protecting him?

Li Zhenfeng immediately thought of something, and tentatively said, "Su Yi, it's not someone sent by the Jiang family, is it?"

Given the relationship between Su Yi and the Jiang family, it is reasonable for the Jiang family to send warriors from the Illusory Spiritual Realm to protect them.

It's just that there are not many fighters in the Illusory Spirit Realm of the Jiang family.

They still have to guard a super city like Venus City, which is already stretched.

How could it be possible to send three Illusory Spirit Realm fighters at once?
"It's not the Jiang family."

Su Yi said with a smile: "It's the three people from the elves, dwarves and Qingyun sword sect."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

When did Su Yi get involved with the elves, dwarves and Qingyun Sword Sect?
Su Yi didn't hide it, he will tell Ji Xiaoning and Ji Xiaoning and join Qingyun Sword Sect.

After figuring out the ins and outs, everyone looked excited.

Although Su Yi joined Qingyun Sword Sect, he joined as a true disciple and will become the suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect in the future.

Moreover, Su Yi will stay in Yuancheng as always.

Yuancheng has a big sect like Qingyun Sword Sect to help guard it, so there is really nothing to worry about.

"Su Yi is worthy of being a student I have trained. He can stand up in every critical moment and turn the tide!" Li Zhenfeng laughed triumphantly.

"It's too shameless, isn't it?"

Everyone clicked their tongues.

Su Yi's ability to join Qingyun Sword Sect and become a true disciple is Su Yi's own ability. What does it have to do with Li Zhenfeng?
"Old man Li, what are you proud of?" Jiang Yunhua snorted coldly.

Seeing Li Zhenfeng's appearance, she couldn't help feeling angry.

"My pleasure!"

Li Zhenfeng said disdainfully: "If you have the ability, your Second Ancient Martial Arts Academy can also cultivate a genius like Su Yi?"

"You're just out of luck!"

Jiang Yunhua was upset.

A genius like Su Yi is rare in the world and does not need to be cultivated at all.

She could imagine that if Su Yi entered the Second Ancient Martial Arts Academy, his achievements would not be lower than now.

This is also where Li Zhenfeng is not convinced.

(End of this chapter)

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