Chapter 791 Waste One

"Just you?"

Li Zhenfeng said disdainfully: "I will crush you to death with one finger!"

After taking the Violent Spirit Pill, he has been promoted to the sixth level of Soul Gathering Realm, and he has full confidence to crush Han Qianshan.

"Are all warriors in Yuancheng talking so arrogantly?"

Muran, the man in yellow stepped forward, staring at Li Zhenfeng, the aura on his body was unusually strong, he was clearly a tenth-level warrior of Soul Gathering Realm.

"Ten levels of Soul Gathering Realm!"

The faces of Luo Junnan and others changed drastically.

Facing a martial artist at the tenth level of Soul Gathering Realm, even if they fight together, they will not be opponents.

At this moment, they also understood why Han Qianshan dared to come here to find fault. It turned out that there was such a strong person as a reliance.

Li Zhenfeng's face was also extremely ugly, but he gritted his teeth and stood in front of Su Yi without taking a step back.

Su Yi sneered, took out his phone and quietly sent Fang Weize a message.

He is no longer able to fight against tenth-level warriors of the Gathering Soul Realm, so there is no need to show off.

Simply let Fang Weize come over and take care of it.

Han Qianshan glanced at Li Zhenfeng and sneered, "Li Zhenfeng, why don't you pretend to be aggressive? Aren't you crazy?"

"Things that rely on people's power!"

Li Zhenfeng's chest heaved in anger.

"Principal, don't be impatient."

Su Yi gave some words of comfort, then turned to face Han Qianshan, and said disdainfully, "What do you think about the surname Han?"

A cold light flashed in Han Qianshan's eyes, he glared at Su Yi, and winked at Han Feng beside him.

Han Feng understood, and said arrogantly: "Su Yi, we only have one request. If you obey it honestly, we will not make things difficult for you."

"Tell me."

Su Yi said calmly.

A playful look appeared on Han Feng's face, "Kneel at our feet and slap a hundred ears, and we will forgive you."

"Too deceiving!"

Li Zhenfeng and others were all angry.

Su Yi's eyes gradually narrowed, he stared at Han Feng, and smiled contemptuously, "Do you know how much trouble you have caused yourself with what you said just now?"

"Ha ha."

Han Feng laughed wildly, "Su Yi, it's already at this time, you fucking want to pretend to be aggressive! You think that with the support of the Jiang family, I can't do anything to you? If you don't follow suit today, your dog legs will be interrupted !"

"Ha ha."

Su Yi also laughed, and said disdainfully: "I'm standing here, come here if I have the ability! Do you dare?"


Facing Su Yi's provocation, Han Feng subconsciously took a step back.

The reason why he dared to be so arrogant was because the man in yellow was here.

If he really did it, he wouldn't dare to lend him ten guts.


Su Yi sneered and said: "You don't even have the courage to stand up and show off? A waste!"


Han Feng's face turned red and white.

Although he was extremely angry in his heart, he couldn't give birth to a trace of courage to fight against Su Yi.

"Su Yi, don't be arrogant."

Han Qianshan said coldly: "I'm giving you one last chance, if you don't do it, don't blame me for being rude!"

The man in yellow also spoke at this time, "Boy, you'd better listen to Patriarch Han, or you'll lose your life if you're not sure."

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Su Yi turned to the man in yellow and asked.

"You are not qualified to know."

The man in yellow looked proud, as if he didn't take Su Yi and the others seriously.

"You will take the initiative to tell me later."

Su Yi curled his lips, and then said to Han Qianshan: "Han Qianshan, your son doesn't dare to do anything, so you won't admit it too?"

(End of this chapter)

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