Chapter 794 Slight Punishment
"You Ji Wenmao can come, why can't I?" Fang Weize chuckled.

After being choked by Fang Weize, Ji Wenmao's expression became uncertain, "Although our two sects are at odds, it has nothing to do with you, right? Could it be that you want to intervene?"

"Who said it has nothing to do with me?"

Fang Weize pointed at Su Yi, and said coldly: "Su Yi is a true disciple of our Qingyun Sword Sect, do you think I should intervene?"


Ji Wenmao was dumbfounded.

Su Yi is also a disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect?And still a true disciple?

This is too incredible.

You must know that the true disciple of Qingyun Sword Sect is known as the suzerain's successor, and his status is very detached.

But isn't Su Yi a Blue Star warrior?

He De and He Neng, why is Qingyun Sword Sect valued so much?
"What else do you have to say now?" Fang Weize sneered.

Ji Wenmao gritted his teeth, "Since he is a member of your Qingyun Sword Sect, let's leave now."

Although Bi Luozong also has two supernatural powers, they seem to be comparable in strength to Qingyun Jianzong, but they are not.

Because the two powerhouses of Bi Luozong are both at the first level of Gathering Soul Realm.

On the other hand, Yan Zhiyong, the suzerain of the Qingyun Sword Sect, is a second-level powerhouse.

On the way of cultivation, the higher the level, the greater the gap.

Especially in the realm of supernatural powers, even if there is only a small difference in level, the strength is vastly different.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yan Zhiyong alone can crush the two powerhouses of Bi Luozong.

Therefore, every time they fight with Qingyun Sword Sect, most of the losers are Bi Luozong.

If he stays here and doesn't leave, maybe Fang Weize will attack him.

"Come as soon as you want, leave as soon as you want? How can there be such an easy thing in the world?" Fang Weize smiled contemptuously.

Ji Wenmao was clearly planning to come and bully Su Yi. As Su Yi's senior brother, he naturally wanted to stand up for him.

In addition, it can also be used to suppress Bi Luozong.

At the same time, it can also give Su Yi power.

Therefore, he will not let Ji Wenmao leave easily.

"What do you want?"

Ji Wenmao's face darkened, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"Su Yi is the true disciple of my Qingyun Sword Sect. How dare you threaten him? You obviously didn't take our Qingyun Sword Sect seriously!"

Fang Weize's voice was as cold as a glacier.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand towards Ji Wenmao, and a green silk thread shot out from between his fingers.


Ji Wenmao looked angrily.

He has already voluntarily retreated, but Fang Weize still wants to make a move, which is simply too deceitful!
However, facing the attack of an Illusory Spirit Realm warrior, he couldn't allow him to think too much.

Ji Wenmao gritted his teeth, released the unearthed aura and wrapped it around his hands, and raised his fist to hit the flying green silk thread.

The next moment, the two collided with each other, but there was a loud bang.

But all the earth aura on Ji Wenmao's fist was destroyed, and even the whole fist became bloody.

Ji Wenmao grunted in pain and backed away again and again.

"Is the Illusory Spirit Realm so strong?"

Su Yi was a little moved.

Fang Weize didn't use concrete objects, and he just hit at random, but he could still crush Ji Wenmao.

Let him clearly understand the gap between the Illusory Spirit Realm and the Gathering Soul Realm.


Seeing that Ji Wenmao, who was invincible before, was taught a lesson, Li Zhenfeng and others felt much more relieved.

"Slight punishment today, if you dare to do it again, your life will be taken!"

Fang Weize glanced at Ji Wenmao coldly, and said coldly, "Get lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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