Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 802 Don't Be So Self-Righteous

Chapter 802 Don't Be So Self-Righteous
"Sister Zhao"

Tang Xinya's heart was extremely complicated.

Did even Zhao Zixuan give in?Who else can suppress Su Yi in the future?Is Su Yi really going to be domineering?
"Look at your senior sister, and then look at you. I don't understand etiquette at all. I feel ashamed to have a disciple like you in Qingyun Sword Sect." Su Yi glanced at Tang Xinya and hit him again.

Tang Xinya was stunned.

From the moment he saw Su Yi, he was continuously humiliated by Su Yi, but he was powerless to refute.

I feel aggrieved and want to die.

"Uncle Su, Tang Xinya is not sensible, so don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Zhao Zixuan and Tang Xinya had a good relationship anyway, and she didn't want to see Tang Xinya continue to be scolded, so she quickly settled the dispute.


Su Yi nodded, suddenly remembered something, and said, "Go out with me tomorrow."

He planned to take Zhao Zixuan and others to the forbidden area of ​​death.

The dangers in the forbidden area of ​​death are unpredictable, and you can only be sure if you are well prepared.

The three of Zhao Zixuan are all Soul Gathering Realm warriors, even if they cannot use spirit energy in the death forbidden area, their fighting power is stronger than ordinary tenth level Body Tempering Realm warriors.

This kind of free combat power is useless.

"Uncle Su, although you are a true disciple, we are not under your control, and you cannot give us orders." Tang Xinya said disdainfully.

There are more than 100 disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect, and each disciple has his own master.

On weekdays, they are all under the jurisdiction of their respective masters.

Although Su Yi had a special status, strictly speaking, he really had no right to give orders to them.

Su Yi took a look at Tang Xinya, and said with a sneer, "Did I say that I would take you with me? You're such a waste, it's just a drag bottle, so don't be so self-righteous!"

Tang Xinya: "."

Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to fight back, but he never thought that he would suffer Su Yi's ruthless ridicule again.

Also, Su Yi actually compared her to a waste, it's really deceiving!
Tang Xinya's chest kept rising and falling, panting angrily.

Zhao Zixuan and Bai Yuxuan clicked their tongues.

I thought to myself that Su Yi's detrimental skills were too powerful. In just a few minutes, how many soul blows did Tang Xinya suffer?
Ordinary people can't stand it.

Su Yi ignored Tang Xinya and turned to Zhao Zixuan and asked, "Do you two agree?"

Zhao Zixuan and Bai Yuxuan looked at each other, and replied in unison: "We will follow Master Su's arrangement."

Although Su Yi had just joined Qingyun Sword Sect, his position was aloof, and he showed his strong side to the fullest.

If this doesn't give Su Yi face, it might end up like Tang Xinya's.


Tang Xinya was so angry!
Banyue Star Beast betrayed her, and Zhao Zixuan and her two went against her again.

At the moment, she feels completely isolated.

And he was isolated by a person who had just joined Qingyun Sword Sect.

She still can't understand why things have developed to this point?
Is Su Yi really invincible?

"I'll take you to the place where you live first, take a rest and set off with me tomorrow."

Su Yi smiled, and was quite satisfied with Zhao Zixuan's performance.

Later, he arranged a room for Zhao Zixuan and the three of them.

The difference is that Zhao Zixuan's and Bai Yuxuan's rooms are located in a better location, which is convenient for lighting, and the room is clean and tidy.

Tang Xinya's room was relatively poor, and the room looked a little damp and gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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