Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 814 Reaching the Forbidden Area of ​​Death

Chapter 814 Reaching the Forbidden Area of ​​Death
Ling Nianyao fell in love with the red chariot the first time she saw it, so she didn't give up, "Su Yi, I can exchange the best spirit crystal with you."

"No change."

Su Yi was firm.

The red chariot is not an object in his heart, but a friend.

There is no reason to exchange friends.

When Ling Nianyao was still about to speak, [Smart Chariot] scolded: "Little girl, Su Yi even said that he won't change, why are you so shameless and relentless in chasing after him? Can you show some face?"

Ling Nianyao's request for the red chariot is tantamount to robbing his wife, he must not be able to bear it.

"You scold me?"

Ling Nianyao was stunned.

What a shame to be scolded by a chariot in front of so many people.

Doesn't she want to lose face as a majestic elf saint?
"Calling you is light, if you dare to beep, you will be crushed to death!" [Smart Chariot] said disdainfully.

With his ability, he would definitely not be a match for Ling Nianyao, but Su Yi was by his side, so even if Ling Nianyao had ten guts, he wouldn't dare to fight him.

It is because of this that he dares to be so unscrupulous.

[Smart Chariot] Ruthless and angry, the temper is really hot!
Everyone was dumbfounded.

Sha Wenxuan touched Huo Tiancheng's arm, "Brother, has No. 2 always been like this?"

Huo Tiancheng said indifferently: "No. 2 is very restrained today."

[Smart chariot] Facing the air, except for Su Yi, no matter who it is, as long as they provoke him, they will fight to the end, and their words are extremely sharp.

Sha Wenxuan clicked his tongue, thinking that not only should he not offend Su Yi in the future, but he should also be careful with the [Smart Chariot].

Ling Nianyao was about to go mad with anger, but instead of continuing to shout at [Smart Chariot], she shouted at Su Yi: "Su Yi, don't you care about your chariot?"

Su Yi pondered for a while, and then said seriously: "I think No. 2 is right."

[Smart Chariot] is his friend, and should speak for [Smart Chariot].

What's more, it was Ling Nianyao who was at fault.

Ling Nianyao: "."

At this moment, she was completely messed up.

"Have you heard what Su Yi said? Since you are young and ignorant, I won't be as knowledgeable as you this time." [Smart Chariot] reprimanded old-fashionedly.

"You guys are too bullying!"

Ling Nianyao exploded with anger.

Su Yi and [Smart Chariot] teamed up to bully her, it was a mess.

If it wasn't that she couldn't beat Su Yi, she would definitely do it.

"Nian Yao, stop messing around."

Ji Xiaoning forcibly pulled Ling Nianyao aside.

Ling Nianyao was very wronged, but she didn't continue to say anything.

This is the end of a farce.

Behind, everyone got into the car and continued to move towards the forbidden area of ​​death.

The red chariot drove all night, and the next morning, it was replaced with a [smart chariot] to carry everyone.

In this way, the original three-day journey took only two days.

The next day was approaching evening, and they were already less than a hundred miles away from the forbidden area of ​​death.

"Su Yi, should we enter the forbidden area of ​​death now, or wait until tomorrow?" Ji Xiaoning asked.

"Fix it up tonight and enter early tomorrow morning."

Su Yi thought for a while and said.

The forbidden area of ​​death is too dangerous, especially at night, the danger is even more unpredictable.


Ji Xiaoning did not object.

She also intended to rest here for a night, which can be said to coincide with Su Yi's thoughts.

Next, Huo Tiancheng and others began to prepare dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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