Chapter 817
"Then you just wait to die!"

The rugged man gritted his teeth, his face bulging with veins.Obviously, his patience has reached its limit and he is ready to do it.

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, a stooped old man stepped forward.

This person seemed to be very prestigious, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

"Mr. Xu, this kid is too crazy. You should take a break first and let the junior teach him a lesson." The rough and tough man said hastily.

The stooped old man's name is Xu Zhou, and he is a martial artist in the Illusory Spirit Realm.

In front of such a strong man, the rough man dare not make any mistakes.

"You Yuqi, be safe and don't be impatient."

Xu Zhou smiled lightly, then turned to Su Yi and said, "Little brother, because we don't know the situation in the forbidden area of ​​death, we didn't prepare the detoxification pill. If you have extra, can you exchange some for us. "

"Senior, I'm sorry, I don't have any extra detoxification pills." Su Yi replied.

Although Xu Zhou is an Illusory Spiritual Realm warrior, his speech and behavior are not as domineering as others, but very kind.

Su Yi's sense of Xuzhou is not bad.

However, he couldn't give the other party the antidote pill.

Because Xu Zhou probably came here for the No Mind Flowing Soul Tree, and giving Xu Zhou the detoxification pill, doesn't it mean that Mu Guangping's situation is more dangerous?


Xu Zhou was a little disappointed.

He guessed that Su Yi must have not told the truth, but he didn't force it, he just said: "If you enter the forbidden area of ​​death, can you help me pick a few Poria cocos flowers, I will buy them at a high price."

"Senior, it's for the Poria cocos flower?" Su Yi let out a light snort.

If I had known that Xuzhou was for the Poria cocos flower, I could have exchanged it for a detoxification pill.

But if the words are out of the mouth, it is not easy to say that he has the detoxification pill.

"I did come here for the Poria cocos flower." Xu Zhou smiled slightly.

"Senior, don't worry, as long as I find Poria cocos flower, I will definitely exchange it with you." Su Yi promised.

For the sake of Xu Zhou's more polite speech, if he finds enough Poria cocos, it will not be a problem to exchange one or two plants with Xu Zhou.

"Thank you very much!" Xu Zhou nodded slightly.

"Senior, you're welcome."

Su Yi smiled, and then said: "Senior, then I will leave first."

After the words fell, he was ready to return to the car.


Suddenly, You Yuqi roared, "Boy, did I tell you to go?"

Xu Zhou frowned, but didn't say much.

He could only guarantee that he would not attack Su Yi, but he could not stop others.

If you help Su Yi, it is tantamount to fighting against other forces in Xuantian Continent.

This is of no benefit to him.

Su Yi stopped in his tracks, and glanced at You Yuqi coldly, "The legs are on my body, I can walk as long as I want, can you control me?"

"Then I'll take off both your legs!" You Yuqi laughed grimly.

"Ha ha."

Su Yi grinned, opened the [Qian Kun Ring] and took out the [Black Obsidian Meteor Sword] and pointed at You Yuqi from a distance, "Do you have this ability?"

【Obsidian Meteor Sword】Since becoming a magic weapon, it has not had a chance to verify its power.

Just in time to take You Yuqi for surgery!

"Then I'll let you see how powerful the powerful people in Xuantian Continent are!"

You Yuqi laughed wildly, released the aura of earth and wrapped it in his hands, and grabbed Su Yi.

He was an earth spiritual cultivator at the fifth level of Soul Gathering Realm, and he looked down on Su Yi very much.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to establish my prestige, so I didn't use weapons.


Su Yi was not polite at all, released the spiritual power of space and poured it into the [Obsidian Meteor Sword], raised his hand and slashed out with the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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