Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 829 This Problem 1 Must Be Corrected

Chapter 829 This problem must be corrected

Ling Nianyao said directly: "I want your spiritual pet."

She has witnessed Nannan's terrifying combat power with her own eyes. If there is such a spiritual pet by her side, her overall strength will definitely increase greatly.

"You want a girl?"

Su Yi's face suddenly darkened.

In his heart, Nannan is not a spiritual pet, but a younger sister.

How could it be possible to hand over my daughter to Ling Nianyao.


Ling Nianyao nodded and said, "I like her very much, and I will definitely treat her kindly."

"My daughter is not a spiritual pet, but my friend. Besides, you should give up on this, I won't give her to you." Su Yi refused very simply.

"If you don't give her to me, I won't give you the oath stone." Ling Nianyao snorted.

What Su Yi dislikes most is being threatened by others, and immediately sneered, "You don't have to give it, but don't expect me to help you find the holy tree seeds."

"The search for the holy tree seeds is what we have decided a long time ago, why did you go back on your word?" Ling Nianyao was furious.

"Can I change my mind?"

Su Yixu squinted his eyes, and said bluntly: "I'll ask you again, will you give it or not? If you don't give it, our partnership will end here, and you get out of the car immediately!"

Since it is a cooperative relationship, it should be in the same boat.

Ling Nianyao is good, not only does not help, but also wants to take advantage of the situation to rob.

Su Yi won't get used to these problems of hers, it's a big deal that they will fall apart.

Anyway, Ling Nianyao will lose the most at that time.


Being reprimanded face to face, Ling Nianyao was so angry.

However, seeing that Su Yi was already angry, he didn't dare to say anything more.

Because once Su Yi gets angry, it is still very scary.

And she couldn't bear Su Yi's anger at all.

Seeing that something was wrong, Ji Xiaoning hurriedly smoothed things over, "Su Yi, don't be as knowledgeable as Nian Yao, she's just joking with you."

"Senior, I'm just too angry for a while." Su Yi's face softened a little.

Ji Xiaoning stepped forward, she deserved this face.

"That's good."

Ji Xiaoning breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to Ling Nianyao and said, "Nianyao, the overall situation is the most important thing, so give the oath stone to Su Yi."

Ling Nianyao was aggrieved.

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to tease Su Yi, but he never thought that not only he failed to take advantage, but was also reprimanded.

If I had known the result would be like this, I would have given the oath stone to Su Yi honestly.

"Hurry up, don't waste time."

Seeing that Ling Nianyao was in a daze, Su Yi urged her.

Ling Nianyao took a deep breath, opened the storage bracelet, took out a blue gemstone and handed it to Su Yi.

Su Yi knew that this blue gemstone was the oath stone, but he didn't rush to observe, but said to Ling Nianyao: "You and Senior Ji are both elves, look at Senior Ji's awareness, and then look at yourself , with your situation, how do you lead the rise of the elves? I am really worried about your elves!"

Ling Nianyao: "."

Turn your face and deny anyone after you get the oath stone?Isn't this too shameless?
Also, are you ashamed to say that I am small in size?
Didn't you try to trick Spirit Crystal from me?Do you beat anyone who refuses to accept it?
Your layout is getting bigger?
How dare you say such a thing, it's shameless!
Ling Nianyao was so angry that she was about to explode.

But at this time, [Smart Chariot] added a knife, "You little girl is not only small, but also greedy! You always want to take advantage of it, and ask others for things every now and then. You are shameless and shameless. This problem must be corrected! "

(End of this chapter)

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