Chapter 831 Make friends
"So simple?" Zhang Tianhua was a little surprised.

If it was true as what Su Yi said, he could totally accept it.

Su Yi originally planned this way, but now he has changed his mind, "In addition to making the oath, you must give me some compensation. After all, the oath stone can only be used three times, and each time is extremely precious. It is on your body After using it once, you should make up for it.”

Zhang Tianhua was speechless.

Thinking that you can not use it on me at all?
Is it too much to force me to swear and ask me to pay the bill?
Of course, he only dared to slander in his heart.

Compared to losing his life and becoming a puppet, paying some price is nothing.

"I promise."

Zhang Tianhua said cheerfully, "What compensation do you want?"

"Give me some top-quality spirit crystals." Su Yi said naturally.

At present, what he needs most is the top-quality spirit crystal, and other things are a bit contemptuous.

"Ha ha."

Ling Nianyao looked at Su Yi with disdain.

Just now, Su Yi and [Smart Chariot] teamed up to tell her that she was useless, and in the blink of an eye they started asking for things from others, what a double standard!
Zhang Tianhua said in embarrassment: "I don't have the best spirit crystal."

"Not one?"

Su Yi narrowed his eyes, and there was a trace of unkindness in his tone.

Zhang Tianhua was a little scared, and hurriedly said: "I really don't have one. If you don't believe me, you can take a look at my storage bag."

After saying that, he opened the storage bag and waited for Su Yi to check.

Su Yi didn't really check, Zhang Tianhua had already done this, so he definitely wouldn't deceive him.

It's just that if you can't reap any benefits, he must be unwilling, so he said: "If you don't have the best spirit crystal, you can use other spirit crystals instead."

Spirit crystals below the highest grade have no use value, but they can be used to transform time liquid, which is better than nothing.

"I still have some high-grade and middle-grade spirit crystals, all for you."

Zhang Tianhua quickly took out a small pile of spirit crystals, about 100 or so.

"For the sake of your sincerity, I will accept it."

Su Yi smiled faintly, put the spirit crystal in the [Qiankun Ring], and asked Zhang Tianhua to swear.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Tianhua dripped blood essence on the oath stone, and made a solemn promise that he would never target Su Yi in the future. If he violated it, he would be struck by lightning!
Su Yi felt relieved, and then said, "Lao Zhang, you can leave now."

"Su Yi, can I stay with you?" Zhang Tianhua thought for a while and said.


Su Yi was a little strange, Zhang Tianhua was crying and wanting to leave before, why did he change his mind now?

Could it be for the No Mind Flowing Soul Wood in Mu Guangping's hand?
Thinking of this, Su Yi's voice became cold, "Old Zhang, Mu Guangping is my friend, if you dare to think of him, don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhang Tianhua shrank his neck, and quickly explained: "Su Yi, you misunderstood, how dare I hit your friend's idea. I just want to stay and make friends with you, as the saying goes, you don't know each other."

He did have plans in this regard, because Su Yi was young, but possessed extraordinary combat power.

It can be predicted that the future achievements are limitless.

It is good for you to have a good relationship with this kind of character and become a friend.

Another point, isn't the ancient dragon in the center of the earth still in Su Yi's hands?Afraid of angering Su Yi, he didn't dare to ask for it.

He just wanted to get along well with Su Yi, and if he spoke again, Su Yi would return the ancient dragon to him, right?

(End of this chapter)

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