Chapter 845 Crimes
When all the barbarians were in a trance, Su Yi threw away Du Hao's body.

A touch.

Du Hao's body fell straight at the feet of the barbarians.

The impact made all the barbarians tremble.

When they saw that the dead person was Du Hao, they were all dumbfounded, and then a wave of anger spread.

Almost all the barbarians looked at Su Yi with resentment.

Du Hao is their leader, Su Yi beheaded Du Hao on their territory, this is a challenge to the entire barbarian clan.

Even though they knew that Su Yi's strength was terrifying, none of them flinched.

"Human, how dare you kill our leader, you don't want to leave here alive today!" A barbarian roared at Su Yi.

Another barbarian took out a whistle-like thing and blew it.

Suddenly, a sharp sound echoed over the Manchu territory.

This is a means of warning. Once a strong enemy comes, the whole clan can rush over when the whistle sounds.

It has to be said that the reaction speed of the barbarians is still very fast.

Not long after, hundreds of barbarians have surrounded here, and all of them are elite.

"what happened?"

Some barbarians who have just arrived here don't know what's going on.

The warning barbarian pointed at Su Yi and shouted, "This human race killed our leader!"


All the barbarians were shocked.

When they saw that there was indeed a corpse lying on the ground, and it was really Du Hao, they were all furious.

Suddenly, a monstrous murderous intent rolled towards Su Yi like a sea wave.

On the other hand, Su Yi looked calm, with a faint smile on his face all the time.

He has never seen such a big storm, how can a group of barbarians scare him?

It is no bragging to say that after cultivating [Seven Transformations of Awakening Insects], with his current strength, he is enough to crush a group of barbarians.

Of course, his purpose is not here.

"This person killed our leader. He committed a heinous crime! Let's work together to kill this person!"

A barbarian started fanning the flames.

"Revenge for the leader!"

The other barbarians were excited and took out their weapons one after another, pointing at Su Yi from a distance.

"Stop it all!"

Just when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, an old voice came from the passage.

When they heard this voice, all the barbarians were stunned.

Because they all thought it sounded like Jing Jiaxiang's voice.

Suddenly, all eyes turned to the entrance of the passage.

Under the eyes of everyone, Jing Jiaxiang slowly walked out of the passage.

"It's really the old leader!"

Seeing Jing Jiaxiang clearly, the barbarians were excited.

Although Jing Jiaxiang has been missing for a year, after all, he has been the leader of the barbarians for more than ten years, and his prestige in their hearts is still very high.

"Old leader, it's great that you are still alive!"

"Old leader, where have you been for the past year, we haven't found you yet!"

All the barbarians greeted Jiaxiang Jing with concern.

Jing Jiaxiang waved his hand, signaling to the clansmen to be safe and calm, then pointed at Du Hao, and said emotionally: "The reason why I disappeared for a year is all thanks to this person!"

what's the situation?
All the barbarians looked at each other in blank dismay.

Judging from Jing Jiaxiang's tone, could it be that he was murdered by Du Hao?
But isn't Du Hao Jing Jiaxiang's confidant?
Why do you want to be unfavorable to Jing Jiaxiang?

"In order to seize the position of leader, Du Hao not only imprisoned me, but also mutilated the little girl, which can be described as a heinous crime!" Jing Jiaxiang angrily denounced, pointing out Du Hao's crime.

In fact, the real situation is not like this, but there is nothing wrong with saying so.

After all, after he disappeared, Du Hao did become the new leader.

That alone is convincing.

(End of this chapter)

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