Chapter 848
"Su Yi, how many Poria cocos flowers do you want to exchange?" Jing Jiaxiang turned to the business.


Su Yi said without thinking.

Poria cocos flower is the main material for refining Zhuti Dan, which is very valuable.

Even if the people around you don't need it anymore, you can sell it to others, and naturally hope to get more Poria cocos flowers.


Jing Jiaxiang frowned slightly.

Poria cocos was their staple food, if they were all traded to Su Yi, what would they eat?
Su Yi saw Jing Jiaxiang's worry, and said with a smile: "Old man, didn't you take the poria cocos flower as food? Then I will exchange food with you. And I can guarantee that I will give you enough."

"Then there is no problem." Jing Jiaxiang was overjoyed.

Although Poria cocos can fill the stomach, it has a bitter taste and is very difficult to swallow.

It would be best for Su Yi to exchange food.

Su Yi continued: "Old man, you will continue to plant poria cocos in the future, it is best to expand the scale, I will send people over regularly to exchange with you."

"No problem." Jing Jiaxiang readily agreed.

After finishing this matter, Su Yi pondered for a while, and then said again, "Old Man, I still need your help with one thing."

He intends to build a rear base centered on the cobblestone, which is, after all, a barbarian territory.

It still needs the consent and cooperation of the barbarians, otherwise, if you don't say hello, it is tantamount to occupying the magpie's nest.

It will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among the barbarians, and the cooperative relationship established with great difficulty may also lead to a breakdown.

"You said."

Jing Jiaxiang didn't pay much attention.

"Old man, I want to build a rear base here." Su Yizhi said.

"The rear base?"

Jing Jiaxiang didn't quite understand.

The forbidden area of ​​death is full of dangers, and it is very barren, and spiritual energy cannot be used. What's the point of building a rear base here?
"Old man, I have no choice but to establish a rear base here."

Su Yi sighed softly, and then explained: "The situation in Blue Star is very critical now, fierce beasts and a large number of aliens are watching. Once they launch a full-scale attack, we will be powerless to resist. We can only find a way out for ourselves."

"Is the situation so serious?"

Jing Jiaxiang's face became serious.

The barbarians also belong to the human race, and they are the same race. Naturally, they don't want to see this situation happen to the human race.

Su Yi nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Almost all of the Xuantian Continent fell, and only one Thousand Feather Island was left with the human race stationed there, but it was still alive. Once they were forced into the Blue Star, then the fierce beasts and aliens would die." Unscrupulous invasion of Blue Star."

Jing Jiaxiang's face became a little dignified again.

Although he has never fought against a murderous beast, there are records in the family that the fierce beast is bloodthirsty and extremely hates the human race.

Once it breaks into Blue Star, it will indeed bring a catastrophe to the human race.

However, the overall strength of the human race is too different from that of the beasts, and it is really unstoppable.

"Su Yi, is there nothing we can do?" Jing Jiaxiang asked unwillingly.

"There is a way, but it is very difficult."

Su Yi took a deep breath and said, "As long as there is a strong person in the human race, the beast can be easily defeated."

"The strongest?"

Jing Jiaxiang smiled wryly.

It is almost impossible to become the strongest.

For tens of thousands of years, it seems that the human race has only produced Su Chen, a powerful person. The probability of this is too low, so low that it can be ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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