Chapter 856
Seeing this, Mu Guangping sighed helplessly, got up slowly, and looked out of the car.

But I saw smoke and dust billowing in the distance, and the earth rumbling.

Mu Guangping's face couldn't help becoming a bit serious.

After a while, robust strange beasts appeared in sight.

Before approaching, a ferocious aura unique to alien beasts swept over first, making Mu Guangping a little out of breath.

"Can Su Yi really do it?"

Mu Guangping felt a little uneasy.

[Smart Chariot] joked: "It seems that you don't know anything about Su Yi's strength! Don't worry, with Su Yi around, no matter how many strange beasts there are, they won't be able to overwhelm the waves."


Mu Guangping didn't quite believe it.

[Smart Chariot] didn't bother to pay attention, "You'll know later."

Seeing so many strange beasts coming, Nannan became excited again, clapped her little hands and shouted: "Great! It's time to fight again!"

Su Yi hurriedly reminded, "Ninny, please act according to my wink later, don't act rashly."


The girl nodded.

The next moment, the group of strange beasts galloped to the front and stopped 20 meters away from Su Yi.

The two sides looked at each other, and Su Yi said, "Are you here to find me?"

Although alone, he is fearless.

At this time, a white tiger with a size of more than five feet came out of the strange beasts. It looked directly at Su Yi and said, "Humans, we are indeed here to find you."

Su Yi has seen many strange beasts that can talk, so when he heard the white tiger speak, he didn't care, and said lightly: "What is the purpose?"

The strange beasts made a big move, obviously not here to chat with him.

"We're here to ask you to cooperate." The white tiger said bluntly.


The girl sighed in disappointment.

Since the alien beasts came to cooperate, then this fight might not be possible.


Su Yi gave a light snort.

The white tiger's answer still surprised him.

After pondering for a while, he asked, "What is the cooperation?"

"Don't you want to kill Yaozhi? We also have a big enmity with Yaozhi. We can join hands to fight against Yaozhi!" the white tiger explained.

Earlier, I learned from a clan member that Su Yi teamed up with a spiritual pet to kill a demon plant, and even killed a blood plant, showing his powerful strength to the fullest.

And their situation is extremely critical, and they are almost cornered.

If there is no external help, the clan will inevitably be wiped out by Yaozhi.

Therefore, the idea of ​​joining forces with Su Yi came up.

"Just because you bastards are qualified to join forces with me?" Su Yi said disdainfully.

His purpose is to uproot Yaozhi and the strange beast. If he cooperates with the strange beast, how can he find an excuse to kill them in the future?

So he deliberately sarcastically tried to provoke the strange beast.

Hearing this, all the strange beasts became angry, their eyes flickered fiercely, and glared at Su Yi.

They also have dignity, how can they tolerate being so despised by a human being?
"You bunch of trash still want to do it?"

Su Yi curled his lips and continued to stimulate the beast.

The white tiger snorted, and its sharp claws dug deep into the soil.

Being humiliated by Su Yi continuously, he was extremely angry.

But thinking of Su Yi's terrifying fighting power and his own situation, he didn't dare = want to fight Su Yi, so he could only forcefully suppress his anger.

"Human, you are indeed very powerful! But Yaozhi's strength is not as strong as you see. There is also a terrifying existence among them. Even you will not be an opponent! And if you join forces with us, you will win possibility." The white tiger persuaded.

(End of this chapter)

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