Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 874 Don't be an eyesore

Chapter 874 Don't be an eyesore

Suddenly, the gate of Zhiyao Pagoda shone white.

Immediately afterwards, a tall and straight figure slowly walked out of it.

"It's Su Yi!"

"Su Yi is out!"

After seeing clearly that it was Su Yi, everyone became excited and stepped forward one after another.

"Su Yi, are you okay?" Ji Xiaoning asked with concern.

"Everything is going well, there is no serious problem." Su Yi smiled slightly.

Ling Nianyao took a look at Su Yi, her face suddenly changed, "Su Yi, where is the holy tree of the elves?"

She had some doubts, did Su Yi lose the holy tree of the elves?

"you guess?"

Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

Ling Nianyao: "."

No matter what time, Su Yi is still in this mood, maybe she is going to die of anxiety.

"Su Yi, just say it." Ji Xiaoning also became a little nervous.

I also wondered if the holy tree of the elves had been snatched back by the World-Exterminating Huoyang Tree?

"He is on my body, to be precise, in a space, and I will summon him right now."

Su Yi explained, and then opened [Lin Lang Jie].

However, the moment he opened it, he was dumbfounded.

In a corner of [Lin Lang Jie], the holy tree of the elves was gnawing on a giant watermelon, looking very contented.

And around him, there are still four demon plants more than two meters high, like four guards, protecting the holy tree of the elves.

"This guy won't treat [Linlang Jie] as his home right?"

Su Yi clicked his tongue, and pulled out all the holy tree of the elves and the four demon plants.

"Master Sacred Tree!"

When Ji Xiaoning and Ling Nianyao saw the sacred tree of the elves appearing in front of them, they were inexplicably excited.

The holy tree of the elves took a bite of the watermelon, looked at Ling Nianyao and Ji Xiaoning, and didn't speak.

"Are you dumb or can't speak at all?"

Su Yi looked at the holy tree of the elves and asked with a smile.

The holy tree of the elves swallowed the watermelon in their mouths, looked up at Su Yi, pouted and reprimanded: "Human, why are you talking to me? Pay attention to your attitude!"

Su Yi opened his mouth, and without warning, he slapped the holy tree of the elves on the small head, causing the holy tree of the elves to stagger and nearly fall.

He took the risk to rescue the holy tree of the elves, and the watermelon he ate was also his.

This family fire did not even say a word of thanks, but also played awe-inspiring.

Su Yi won't get used to his problems!
Seeing the holy tree of the elves being beaten, the four monster plants rushed towards Su Yi angrily.

But before he could get close, he was pushed to the ground by Sha Wenxuan and others, and kicked violently.

"Su Yi, don't go too far!"

Ling Nianyao stood in front of the holy tree of the elves, glaring at Su Yi angrily.

The holy tree of the elves is a sacred object of the elves, and its status in the elves is very detached. Su Yi must not bear to humiliate the holy tree of the elves face to face.

"Am I going too far?"

Su Yi almost laughed angrily, and said in a cold voice: "I brought so many people and took the risk to rescue him. This guy doesn't know how to be grateful, and he is still arrogant in front of me. Is it wrong for me to beat him? ?”

Ling Nianyao stopped talking immediately.

Su Yi did take a great risk in rescuing the holy tree of the elves this time.

It's really inappropriate for me to talk to Su Yi in this tone.

"No more words?"

Su Yi glanced at Ling Nianyao, and snorted coldly: "Go away if you know you're wrong, don't be an eyesore here."

(End of this chapter)

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