Chapter 881 You Are Too Vicious
Su Yi's punch was originally aimed at the face of the Mieshi Huoyang Tree, but now it changed direction and bombarded the surrounding branches and leaves.

Because once this punch hits, even if Mieshi Huoyangshu does not die, he will end up seriously injured.

Since the idea of ​​subduing is the intention, we can't do this.

When Su Yi's punch fell, the violent force and chaos raged, and all the branches around the Mieshi Huoyang tree were smashed into powder.

Only a bare trunk was left for the Mieshi Huoyang Tree.

"too frightening!"

Mieshi Huoyangshu narrowly escaped death, trembling all over.

She was sure that if Su Yi's punch hit her body, then her end would be a dead end.

Su Yi was quite satisfied with the power of this punch. Putting away his chaotic energy, squinting his eyes at the Mieshi Huoyang Tree, he said coldly, "You really want to submit to me? You don't want to play tricks, do you?"

He still can't be sure that the Mieshi Huoyang Tree is sincerely surrendering?Or is it a delay?
"I am really willing to surrender to you!" Mieshi Huoyangshu replied hastily.

The strength Su Yi displayed was terrifying, something she had never seen in her life.

Let her clearly realize that going against Su Yi is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble.

Su Yi was still not very relieved, thought for a while and took out a spirit pet pill, and dripped his own blood on it.

The spirit pet pill is used to subdue strange beasts, once taken, it will be loyal to the master.

Although the Mieshi Huoyang Tree is a demon plant, it has activated a spiritual plant after all. Strictly speaking, it has many similarities with strange beasts.

Taking Ling Chong Dan may be effective.

If that doesn't work, use the oath stone.

However, there are only two chances to use the oath stone left, and there is still a lot of use for keeping it, so it should not be wasted unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Take this pill." Su Yi ordered.

Mieshi Huoyangshu didn't dare to disobey at all, and quickly swallowed the spirit pet pill.

After a while, Su Yi noticed that Mieshi Huoyangshu's eyes had become docile.

The occurrence of this situation is exactly the manifestation of the efficacy of the Ling Chong Pill.

"Is it really possible?"

Su Yi muttered thoughtfully, then opened the [Langya Ring], and summoned a group of spiritual pets.

"Su Yi, what's the arrangement?" The Time Dirt Beast asked first.

Su Yi stretched out his hand and pointed at the Mieshi Huoyang Tree, and smiled slightly, "Shoot together, beat her up for me, but don't hit her hard."

If the Spiritual Pet Pill really worked, then even if the Mieshi Huoyang Tree was beaten up, he wouldn't have the slightest complaint.

So I decided to let a group of spiritual pets verify it.

World Extinguishing Fire Yang Tree: "."

For no reason, why did the master beat her?

The Time Dirt Beast and other spiritual pets haven't done anything for a long time, and they have already panicked.

Seeing this kind of opportunity, one by one threw the World-Exterminating Huoyang Tree to the ground like a hungry tiger, and then punched and kicked.

Su Yi carefully observed Mieshi Huoyangshu's reaction, but saw that she did not resist at all, even if she was severely beaten, there was no resentment in her eyes, but full of grievance.

Seeing this, Su Yi was basically sure that there would be no problem with the Mieshi Huoyang Tree, so he said, "Okay, let's all stop."

"Ah! So fast!"

Time Dirt Beast and other spiritual pets were having fun playing, so they reluctantly stopped their movements.

Su Yi glanced at the scarred Mieshi Huoyang Tree, clicked his tongue and said, "You guys are too vicious! See how you beat Miemi?"

Pets of all spirits: "."

Didn't you make us do it?

Why are you pretending to be a good guy now?

(End of this chapter)

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