Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 886 I Can't Take You In

Chapter 886 I Can't Take You In

"Understood, I'll go down and make arrangements."

Jing Jiaxiang responded, and then left here.

"Xiaohu, you also go down and make arrangements." Su Yi then ordered to Bai Shengju Xiaohu.

"Yes, Master!"

Bai Shengju Xiaohu turned and left.

At this time, Su Yi turned to Ji Xiaoning and said: "Senior, I will return to Yuancheng tomorrow, and I want you and Ling Nianyao to stay here."

The establishment of the rear base is a huge project, and Jing Jiaxiang alone must not be able to handle it.

Ji Xiaoning is well-informed and calm in dealing with things. If she encounters a problem, she can discuss it with Jing Jiaxiang.

"No problem." Ji Xiaoning readily agreed.

Even if Su Yi didn't say anything, she planned to stay.

Because the elves like to live a quiet life, Yuan City is too noisy.

As for the forbidden area of ​​death, apart from the inability to use aura, it has many similarities with the comfortable environment of the elf continent.

"That's fine."

Su Yi was overjoyed, "Senior, go down and rest first."

"Okay, call me if you have something to do."

Ji Xiaoning nodded and walked out of the stone house.

After sending Ji Xiaoning away, Su Yi called Ling Nianyao over alone.

"What are you looking for me for?"

Ling Nianyao walked into the stone house and said calmly.

Su Yi smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand in front of Ling Nianyao.

"What do you want from me?"

Ling Nianyao took a step back subconsciously, and looked at Su Yi warily.

She was so familiar with Su Yi's action that she didn't know how many things Su Yi asked for.

"You don't want to cheat, do you?"

Su Yi sneered and said: "It was agreed at the time, I will help you find the holy tree of the elves, and you will give me a hundred spirit crystals."

"Of course I won't cheat."

Ling Nianyao said unconvinced: "But didn't the holy tree of the elves follow you? Why should I give you the spirit crystal?"

It is true that it was agreed with Su Yi in this way.

But she didn't expect the holy tree of the elves to choose to follow Su Yi. She didn't get anything.

Wouldn't it be a big loss if he still had to pay for the top-grade spirit crystals.

"You think I want to take in the holy tree of the elves?"

Su Yi said angrily: "My space can indeed speed up the growth of spiritual plants, but it needs to consume spiritual crystals every moment. Especially for spiritual plants of the level of the holy tree of the elves to stay in it, it consumes even more energy. It's huge. It's good that I didn't ask you for more, but if you play tricks on me, how shameless you are?"

[Linlang Jie] itself does not need to consume spirit crystals. The reason for saying this is to confuse Ling Nianyao and make her hand over the top-quality spirit crystals happily.

Ling Nianyao was a little confused for a moment.

From Su Yi's point of view, it was completely posting spirit crystals to help the holy tree of the elves.

If I don't give the best spirit crystal, it's really outrageous.

However, based on her understanding of Su Yi, Su Yi would never make a loss-making business.

Will it be so selfless this time?

"Are you serious?" Ling Nianyao didn't quite believe it.

Su Yi said angrily: "I'll just give you back the holy tree of the elves."

After saying that, he quickly opened the [Linlang Ring], summoned the holy tree of the elves, and at the same time pushed Ling Nianyao to the side.

"Brother, what happened?"

The holy tree of the elves looked blank.

Su Yi said seriously: "Little bald head, if this saint of your elves owes me the spirit crystal, I won't be able to take you in."

Ling Nianyao: "."

I didn't even say no to you!
Why did you sue?

(End of this chapter)

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