Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 888 You have to understand

Chapter 888 You have to understand
"Not too much." Ling Nianyao nodded.

The time elixir is extremely precious, and more than 300 drops of time elixir are indeed worth twenty spirit crystals, which she agrees with.

"Then you agree."

Su Yi smiled in his heart, and then stretched out his hand in front of Ling Nianyao, "Let's pay with one hand and deliver with the other."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Ling Nianyao's face, and she said embarrassedly: "Su Yi, I only have ten top-grade spirit crystals."

"Only ten?"

Su Yi frowned, his face became ugly.

If there are only ten, you can only choose one of helping the [Smart Chariot] to upgrade and awakening the [Mechanical Soldier].

No matter which one he gave up, he was unwilling.

Worried that Su Yi would not believe it, Ling Nianyao hurriedly said: "Su Yi, I didn't lie to you, I can swear it!"

"Brother, she should really be gone, or else I owe it first."

The holy tree of the elves looked at Su Yi pitifully.

Su Yi pondered for a while, then handed the time spirit liquid to the holy tree of the elves, and said generously: "Since you call me big brother, I will be a good person to the end, ten will be ten."

Originally, he planned to give some spiritual liquid to the holy tree of the elves, but now he can still get ten top-quality spirit crystals, which is not a bad result.

And judging by Ling Nianyao's appearance, it should really be gone.

Simply being generous can also leave a good impression on the holy tree of the elves.

"Brother, you are worthy of being my dear brother, I will definitely listen to you in the future!" The holy tree of the elves was moved.

Su Yi clicked his tongue, "Okay, I'll take you back first."

It sounds a bit awkward to call a demon plant brothers and sisters.

He is not willing to let the holy tree of the elves continue to talk.

After taking back the Holy Tree of the Elf Race [Linlang Ring], Su Yi turned to look at Ling Nianyao, and reminded: "Should you give me the best spirit crystal?"

Ling Nianyao happily handed over the top-grade spirit crystal to Su Yi, and thanked: "Su Yi, thank you very much this time!"

Su Yi was startled slightly, and said with a smile: "It's really not easy to hear thanks from your mouth!"

He and Ling Nianyao pinched each other almost when they met, and it was not bad to be able to speak a few words calmly.

Unexpectedly, Ling Nianyao also expressed his gratitude.

It made him a little dazed for a while.

"Don't get cheap and act good." Ling Nianyao snorted.

"Okay, if you have nothing else to do, go back first."

After getting one hundred top-quality spirit crystals, Su Yi was in a good mood, so he didn't have the same knowledge as Ling Nianyao.

Ling Nianyao walked out without saying a word.

Just as he walked out of the stone house, there was a mocking [Smart Chariot] from inside.

"Ling Nianyao, this little girl really doesn't know what's good and what's wrong. Just take out the top-quality spirit crystal earlier. If you have to be reprimanded for a while, it's a shame!"


Ling Nianyao almost staggered and fell to the ground.

[Smart Chariot] This sentence is too harsh, it's like a sharp knife pierced into her heart, hurting her deeply.

Ling Nianyao took a sharp breath, turned around and returned to the stone house.

"What are you doing here again?"

Su Yi pinched his nose, a little puzzled.

Ling Nianyao growled, "Su Yi, tell No. 2 to be more careful when speaking, and don't just say bad things about people behind their backs. How is it different from a villain?"

Su Yi pondered for a while, and then slowly said, "It is indeed his fault that No. 2 said bad things about you behind your back, but what he said is the truth, you have to understand."

(End of this chapter)

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