Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 893 Luan Wanchang Injured

Chapter 893 Luan Wanchang Injured

Seeing Sha Wenxuan and Zhang Tianhua look happy, Su Yi felt a little complicated.

Speaking of which, except for Cao Qinglang, most of his friends got stronger through fighting.

From Gu Yiting to Sha Wenxuan, this is the case without exception.

Even Fatty Hu only became friends after being overwhelmed by his formidable strength.

"Could it be that we don't know each other?" Su Yi shook his head and smiled wryly.

Fortunately, the results are all good, there is no need to tangle in this regard.

Later, when Su Yi was about to rest for a while, [Smart Chariot] suddenly said: "Su Yi, I found an acquaintance."

"who is it?"

Su Yi frowned.

[Smart Chariot] Quickly replied: "Luan Wanchang from Vulture Palace."

"Why is she here?"

Su Yi frowned.

When he left Yuancheng, he asked Luan Wanchang to take care of Yuancheng.

Logically, Luan Wanchang would not have left Yuancheng for no reason.

Could it be that something happened to Yuancheng?
Thinking of this, Su Yi's expression changed suddenly, and he asked anxiously, "No. 2, how far is Luan Wanchang from us? Did she come here alone?"

"It's [-] kilometers away, and she's the only one. But she's in a very bad condition now. She must have been seriously injured and has fallen into a coma." [Smart Chariot] said.

"No. 2, turn on the full speed and rush over immediately." Su Yi was very anxious.

The miasma was dense in the death forbidden area, and Luan Wanchang was seriously injured. If he entered rashly without taking the detoxification pill, it would be easy to lose his life.

[Smart Chariot] also realized the urgency of the matter, and galloped desperately.

"No. 2, how long is it?"

On the way, Su Yi would ask questions from time to time.

If the time is too long, he intends to use [Flying Wings] to check the situation first.

[Smart Chariot] comforted: "Su Yi, don't worry, we'll be there in less than 2 minutes."


Su Yi took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

More than a minute later, a woman lying on the ground appeared in front of the [Smart Chariot]. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, Su Yi could tell that it was Luan Wanchang through her clothes.

"No. 2, stop." Su Yi shouted.

When the [Smart Chariot] stopped, he flew out with an arrow.

Zhang Tianhua and Sha Wenxuan looked at each other, and they all followed out.

Su Yi ran up to Luan Wanchang, leaned over to take a look, but saw a black bruise on Luan Wanchang's pale face, looking very haggard.

Fortunately, Luan Wanchang was still breathing weakly, at least he didn't die.

"Senior Sister Luan." Su Yi called softly.

But Luan Wanchang didn't respond at all.

Sha Wenxuan reminded: "Su Yi, she must have been hit by miasma and also caused by injuries, you should quickly give him antidote pills and healing medicines."

Su Yi came to his senses, picked up Luan Wanchang and went to the car, then took out the Jiedu Pill and Yunling Pill, and forced to feed Luan Wanchang.

Then, he silently guarded at the side, praying for Luan Wanchang in his heart.

Time passed by, and I don't know how long it took, Luan Wanchang's eyelids moved slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Senior Sister Luan, you finally woke up." Su Yi let out a long sigh of relief.

"Su Yi."

There was excitement in Luan Wanchang's eyes, but his voice was very weak.

"Senior Sister Luan, what happened? Why did you come to the forbidden area of ​​death?" Su Yi asked softly.

Luan Wanchang is very weak now, and originally needed to rest more.

But Su Yi was really worried about Yuancheng, so he could only ask questions.

(End of this chapter)

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