Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 895 Follow-up Arrangements

Chapter 895 Follow-up Arrangements
Su Yi couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

Although he feels ashamed of the human race in Xuantian Continent giving up resistance and fleeing to Blue Star, but as a human race, he does not want to see the human race in Xuantian Continent slaughtered by fierce beasts.

But the form can't be controlled by others, and he can't influence anything.

The boundary channel was destroyed, and the human race in the Magic Sky Continent was trapped on Qianyu Island. Perhaps the only thing waiting for them was death.

In addition, Su Yi also thought about why Bi Luozong and Lei Mingshan dared to occupy Yuancheng.

Speaking of which, his biggest reliance is Vulture Palace and Qingyun Sword Sect.

The realm channel was destroyed, and the powerhouses of these two sects could no longer return to Blue Star.

Bi Luozong and Lei Mingshan dared to be unscrupulous because they grasped this point.

Moreover, it is not difficult to guess from another aspect that these two sects must have warriors in the supernatural realm staying in Blue Star.

After all, besides Vulture Palace and Qingyun Sword Sect, he is backed by the Jiang family.

If the other party does not have equal strength, they dare not ignore the Jiang family.

Su Yi collected his thoughts, and asked instead: "Senior Sister Luan, Biluozong and Leiming Mountain both have a spiritual realm?"

"There is a warrior at the first level of the psychic state in Blue Star." Luan Wanchang replied.

Su Yi nodded and continued to ask, "What about my family and friends? Are they in danger?"

Right now, the most important thing is to save family and friends, and other things must be put aside.

"There is no danger for the time being. Their main purpose is to force you to show up. They will not do anything to your family and friends for the time being." Luan Wanchang said uneasy.

She could imagine that once she said this, Su Yi would definitely return to Yuancheng.

However, there are many guards in the Illusory Spirit Realm in Yuancheng, so as long as Su Yi shows up, it will be like a wolf entering the tiger's mouth.

"Okay, got it."

Knowing that his family and friends were not in danger for the time being, Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Su Yi, what shall we do?"

Sha Wenxuan calmed down and asked.

"I will go to Yuancheng, you two return to the camp, don't follow me." Su Yi said in a deep voice.

Going to Yuan City would inevitably be a fight.

Sha Wenxuan and Zhang Tianhua had nothing to do with this matter, so there was no need for them to follow the muddy water.

"Su Yi, what are you talking about?"

Sha Wenxuan got a little angry, "Aren't we friends? When a friend is in trouble, he should draw his sword to help! I must go with you!"

Zhang Tianhua also vowed: "Friends should help each other. When you are in trouble, if we shrink back, what kind of friends are we?"

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

He didn't expect that both Zhang Tianhua and Sha Wenxuan would say that, and a warm feeling surged in his heart.

See the truth in trouble!
This is what a true friend should be like.

At this moment, he also fully approved of Sha Wenxuan and the two.

"I won't say anything polite."

Su Yi smiled, "Lao Sha, I need your help with something."

"Just tell me." Sha Wenxuan nodded hurriedly.

"You and Senior Sister Luan will return to the camp later, and give Jing Jiaxiang and Ji Xiaoning a message to tell them to speed up the cleanup and take precautions," Su Yizhi said.

Luan Wanchang's injury was too serious. Even if he took the Yunling Pill, he would not be able to recover in a short time. He had to rest for a while, and it was most appropriate to return to the camp to recuperate.

But the death penalty area is not safe after all, so Sha Wenxuan can protect him, so he can rest assured.

In addition, when he went to Yuancheng, he planned to kill people!
No matter if it's from Biluozong or Leiming Mountain, none of them will be spared.

After that, they will return to the forbidden area with family and friends.

And Biluozong and Leiming Mountain will definitely not let it go, and they are likely to send strong men to chase and kill them at that time.

It is necessary for Jing Jiaxiang and Ji Xiaoning to prepare in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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