Chapter 897 Thunder Means
"This seems to be a chariot of the machine race!"

One of the men stared intently at the [Smart Chariot] and murmured.

Another person followed suit and said, "It's definitely a chariot of the machine clan, it's priceless!"

The last person rolled his eyes and said meaningfully: "A person who can own a mechanical chariot should not be a simple person."

"Let's test each other's background first. If it doesn't work, let's get rid of it." The first man who spoke suggested.

His meaning is very clear, if there is no strong person in the [smart chariot], he can grab it by hand.

The other two looked at each other, and at the same time showed a gloomy smile, "That's it!"

"Su Yi, these three guys are a bit hostile!" Zhang Tianhua reminded.

The greedy looks on the faces of the other three clearly had bad intentions.

"Do not care."

Su Yi ignored it.

The opponent is the best honestly, if he has any bad intentions, he will give Thunder a blow.

The [Smart Chariot] slowly drove towards the tunnel, and just as it was about to enter the tunnel, the three men stopped in front, blocking the driving route of the [Smart Chariot].

"Su Yi, what should we do?" [Smart Chariot] asked.

"No. 2, stop and open the door."

Su Yixu squinted his eyes, a cold light flickered in his eyes, and walked straight to the car.

Zhang Tianhua followed closely behind Su Yi.

"It's actually two young people!"

The three people on the opposite side laughed heartily when they saw Su Yi and the two of them.

Su Yi and Zhang Tianhua, one looked less than 20 years old, and the other was in his early twenties, this young man was definitely not much stronger.

Then, they can snatch the [Smart Chariot] as planned.

"Boy, is this chariot yours?"

One of the men yelled at Su Yi.

"Nonsense! If it's not mine, can it be yours?"

Su Yi snorted and walked straight towards the three of them.

"Boy, how dare you scold me?"

The face of the man who spoke suddenly sank, and his face became fierce.

Su Yi was simmering with anger in his heart, and he didn't talk nonsense with the other party at all. When he rushed up, he was punched and kicked in a violent storm.

bang bang click
Accompanied by the sound of impact and bone breaking, the three of them were knocked down by Su Yi in an instant, wailing endlessly.

Zhang Tianhua was dumbfounded.

I wondered when did Su Yi become so violent?

It is true that Su Yi has always been very strong, and he will beat anyone who refuses to accept it.

But before doing it, there will always be a few conversations, first the courtesy and then the soldiers.

It was the first time he had seen such a situation where he would strike at the slightest disagreement.

"A bunch of trash!"

Su Yi snorted coldly, turned and walked towards the car.

In normal terms, he would indeed have a chat to find out what the other party's purpose was.

But now rushing to the source city, there is no time to waste time with the other party.

Simply do one thing and keep going, first destroy the other party and then talk.

Afterwards, [Smart Chariot] walked away.

"We really hit the iron plate this time!"

"This guy is too powerful, he is definitely a strength repairer!"

When the [Smart Chariot] left, the two men whispered with lingering fear.

The No.3 man's eyes were full of resentment, he gritted his teeth and said: "Although we have suffered a loss, that kid will not be better off. There are so many people guarding the death penalty area, will you let them go safely?"

Since the news that Mu Guangping got a piece of No Mind Flowing Soul Wood spread, many experts from Xuantian Continent came here, trying to arrest Mu Guangping.

No matter who leaves the death forbidden area, they will be checked by them.

Once the origin of the [Smart Chariot] is discovered, no one will be jealous.

Then it will be a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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