Chapter 905

Su Yi ignored him, and turned to scan around, and soon saw many acquaintances.

Besides Ji Wenmao, Han Qianshan and his son were also there, and they were looking at him with a playful look at the moment.

In addition, there are Lu Wei and Feng Lihen.

"Su Yi, leave us alone, hurry up!" Li Zhenfeng was burning with anxiety.

Everyone in Feng Zhennan also had sad faces.

Su Lin even cried anxiously.

They all understood one thing, if Su Yi didn't leave, he would die here today.

"He is already a turtle in a urn, can he go away?"

Ji Wenmao let out a smirk, and stood between Su Yi and the [Smart Chariot] together with several Illusory Spiritual Realm fighters, cutting off Su Yi's escape route.

"I'm here to kill you, why run?"

Su Yi smiled expressionlessly, turned to look at Li Zhenfeng, and comforted him: "Don't worry, principal, it's just a few jumping clowns. I'll kill them all later."

Li Zhenfeng: "."

He knew Su Yi quite well. It stands to reason that Su Yi would never be aimless in some major matters.

But the lineup of Biluozong and Leiming Mountain is too strong, there are five Illusory Spiritual Realm fighters, and one of them is a second-level Illusory Spiritual Realm expert.

How could Su Yi be his opponent?

Fang Weize and the others also looked at each other in blank dismay. Seeing that Su Yi was so confident, they even wondered if Su Yi had found a helper?
"Don't be ashamed!"

Han Feng sneered and said, "Su Yi, do you still want to pretend at this point?"

"When I will kill you, you will know that I am not talking too much." Su Yi's eyes were unusually cold.

He let Han Feng go twice before and after, but he never thought that Han Feng still didn't repent, so there was no need to keep this kind of evil alive.

"Ha ha!"

Feng Lihen laughed wildly: "Su Yi, I really want to know why you are so crazy?"

Without the protection of Vulture Palace and Qingyun Sword Sect, Su Yi's greatest support was left only with the Jiang family.

But the Jiang family is too busy to take care of themselves now, and there is no way to send someone to help Su Yi.

Today's Su Yi can be said to be besieged on all sides, why is he so arrogant?
Could it be that knowing that he was going to die, he pretended to be aggressive before he died, so that he could die with dignity?
"Ants like you are not qualified to know."

Su Yi smiled contemptuously, and then said: "Feng Lihen, for Liu Qian'er's sake, get out now, and I can let the past go! Otherwise, I will kill you on the spot!"

Feng Lihen gritted his teeth and roared: "You dare to speak wild words when you are about to die, I am here, come and kill me!"

"very good!"

Su Yi nodded slightly, and said calmly: "Han Feng died first, and you are the second!"

The main instigators of the trouble with Biluozong and Leiming Mountain were Han Feng and Feng Lihen.

If you want to kill them, you will naturally have to take these two people.

"It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, exactly as the rumors say!"

At this time, an old man with a wrinkled face came forward, looked at Su Yi with interest, and said with a smile: "Young man, do you know what kind of existence you are facing? Who gave you the courage ?”

Su Yi glanced at the other party, and said disdainfully: "Isn't he a martial artist at the second level of the Illusory Spirit Realm? What are you talking about? I'm the third one to kill you!"

Hearing this, everyone was astonished.

Su Yi's arrogance has reached the point of insanity.

To ignore even the second level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm is absolutely crazy!

The pleated old man swallowed, and smiled sullenly, "I'm waiting for you to kill me, don't let me down!"

(End of this chapter)

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